TRIBITNE JULY 31 0 i I 1 0 .0 4 Al i 4 THE CHICAGO DAILY IrRIBlilit. PIIMAY I 4 JULY 31 11374 1 i i the raiddling; 68 bales ship, sarrFsViour dull and nominal- Corn meal 1Pr Corn in fair dem nud a firm -e Aysts. dull and lower 60(k6111Zw' P'' T--Thill and nominal. iet at 816 60(316 26 visioas Fork dull and uncb an Bacon ruo 6.. 14-c clear rib, 12c clear, 1.2Xii.
II and WW1 at LO 118 VTLLB toriorms, July shade, filmier at i c. itlioosordersTricrur, achet a corn, and eats gal 1 unchanged. RYet i taa rsal. 4'ork quiet at 824.00 Laren fair de, A and arm; shoulders, Ito; clear rib, di oll Ai, .4 tre Sugar-cured him' 15 t.j.k.lEie:' 0 idtdkmeats fair demand' and firm I ac; clear rib, liec ittimt.1-91(3 clear, at, edddling uPland reeetPta1 62 "ee shiPb Wok, soe3 pets, ereees-yiour dim end nominal. corn meal 1-aliren)- COrn in a firm A tower.
ter, te-, al Qa1S dull and lower; new, 1 e- fair demud and and nominal. see ala.001a15.20. i P'--'' 9-Pork dull and uncbangem Bacon roman; Jena 9140; clear rib, lee clear, 12wo. seliseeat arm et ittso. WI giun'' LOCI-e0fILLE.
July shade firmer at wesentet, rem, corn, end este quia I Rae" enewhea evi quiet at $24.00. Bacon fair de- a to; clear rib, Ilatell we 1 A Sugar-cored hems. 0, eior, 'I 4 IA a I a 8 tor demetei and firm 1 10' 'ae; dear rite lOticeitenc; clear lee, amine, seal' lc" i udddung ulgazd Clwell'ts 1 62 bake elliPb 84'23 bided. pies, ur dull ond nominal. Corn meal B115--u) 1 er corn in fair denanud and firm 1-snow, 1 411u.
illoidre, 410. dill and lower; new, euct6lc. I Se' act nomin rut rio1316.20. 01 Chicago, July 30. ARRIVED.
i A. ronach, Manistee. lumber. Ott!) L. Iturd, Duluth, sundries.
Pr'' ialai breeze, Bent011 Harbor, sundries. Manitowoc, St. enudries. iti Buffalo sundries. name et 4 cuba, Buffalo, sundries.
I 111! ,33. Buffalo, sundries. i Yr()v Green Hay, sundries. Pry loweetette, uskonun, sundries. siurou, itotilb Halt011, tiL'E.
Alpena, lumber. peel, Alpena, Or" I 1 I city of Patn. tsrd A pens, lumber. Muskegon, lumber. tastori-leraiti, Muskegon, lumber.
Nell, AllskeiSon, lumber. i a Michelson, lAillingten, lumber. 7 B. aspin. Keller's Fier, lumberi Alms Mcrete, Saugatuck, wood.
B. Buon Erie, coal. i irintara Haven, bark. 1 I- 7., No; LsCington, lumber. yobr Miner, On-en hay, lumber.
I fwar Sills, Rogers' Creek, paw, Ilititkins' Pier, 'wood. 0.1 i CLEARED. 6,,, rite, White take, 200 bu oats, and smidries sAlr 4, lideker Welkervills. 18,075 bu corn. irp Favorite, Menominee, 5 brie and snridries.
Iry limes flak. Buffalob 18,000 bu wheat. 100 ors uhralr.s.docrsa,n800gatutcet.ska5ord jug, itteal, 100 brs gait, sad sundries. ow, kosells, rollifill0, 15,000 bu wheat, 26,00 bu wra, nal brill dour, WO sacks oil canto, 155 tales hay. 1 iwp Tyson, Menominee, 10 bris beet, larbi pork, 10 bria cement, 600 Ins iron.
lals Mosio'imnen, Menominee, sundries. 'tour cnnalsaiters. prop Empire Buffalo, 24,508 ba corn, 14400 brls four, snd sunditss. fro, Ct1 of New York, Ogdensburg and intermediate ports, 5,192 bti corn, 850 bris flour, 50 bras oil, i sad sundries. rep Menomonee, Grand Haven, 15 brls Deirk, and sun.
dries', prw Lids Breeze, Benton Harbor, 2 en.qui, St. Joseph, sundries. i oar Cagago, Mattitowoc sundries, el tern, July Mee ARRIVED. mroutch, Manieme. luelber.
elle undries I it le Dulth breeze, Ittenton Harbor, eundries. freeeetmeeette Menitowoce meanie. Metetwet, pe emeph, snutdries. i toorn.00-,., Infiniti, Sundries. Bettalo, sundries.
i frv-vi, Buffalo, sundrie s. 1 PeiP t5e Green eat sundries I We DO, nu ewe un sdrie s. 114 aouth Haven, sundriete eurom init peed, Alpena, lumber, e. cue 0 nit4, Alpena, iumber. i of eeriest-ilk Alpena lumber.
ft teem, Ii -ahem, Muskegon, lu mber ece, see, lumber. teretweettatieee, Ludington, lumber. fr-a- 4, Kellems Pier, lumbert i B. cbeci 'woe, sangetack, wood. i Me eaten, Erie, coal.
etre emie mithetiouth Revere bark, ael' Laaington, lumber. fr I itr V- 'to Veer. creek, Green Bay lumber i Ilf e'r, bark. ehr reterAd'ila R'eklua Pier, wood. 3.11 1 CLEED --AR.
erne White Lake, 200 bu oats, and sundries. fee wenneir walkerville, bu corn. Favorite, Menem. ref task. ButIalch 18,000 bu wheat.
lee Saugatuck. 50 bags meal, 100 brie salt, ors 5-'11' dr sea sun 13 ureala. BudadO, 15,000 wheat, 26,000 bu Mg to l------i nee 5 brie porke and stindrtes. ao0 tes lard. het dour, Vo? tall dour, aoe sacks ea, came.
155 oak, tatil bdies la brta, beet, brie wee Term, ets---ens 4 Is 600 lbs iron. pork, 10 it t.e momeazaani, alettomnee, inandnes. I' tell ceminesces. Buffalo, 24 508 ha corn, 1,400 brie tt State, Buff a and gumless. t3r of New York, Ogdensburg and irecrtnediete stop 330 bans flour.
00 brie oil. etre, MI92 be rer, i sad aundrle, 15 bat peirk, and sun- pet 31enonuuee. uran evert, i pet take Breeze, Deleon Herber, eitemet, fli. Joseph, sundries. i see Ctie3g; ManitUIMIN annilriaa MAU INE Lake Freights ger weak Paii for corn to Buffalo, svitt rebate, and 11cforcoTl.
by steam, to Montreal. Charters To BelloProp James Flak, wbeat through props Stadarbilt arta Oneida, corn through solar Champion, all prop China, corn at 210c. To Port Colborne iara Seabird, Qty of Pearteaville, and barge Colon thmpbc8, cora on private terms. To MontrealProp Eact Ene, corn at 1lc. Total, 9 capacity, 18,000 bu twit 2.50,000 bu corn.
VeSSCIS Passed Pert Huron. Frocka Digpsech to The POET HURON July 30.UrSebre Joe Conch, tiviirgterd, lionias Mott, O. C. Trowbridge, Icethe Whew, St. Lawrence, J.
N. Foster, Vanderbilt, Porter isausge propel Colorado, Jarvis' Lord, Fountain City. DewsProp Wenottai schr Monterey. ilivoSouthwetit, with ram. I I Post' HURON.
July Prips 7. IL Ketcham, Oewegatchni. 'With MO ow; Behr Scotia. ileProvi Java; harks P. IL Floe, Aeorn Debra Vivo, Crest.
WatuSouth, fresh. llflnek Michigan Canal. BIUDOZPORT July p. Itssauk, Lociport, 5,674 bu corn Gracie Griswold, kaoeka, 6,000 ha corn Metropolis. Chillicothe.
bt1 corn ratios, Chillicothe, 6,000 bu corn litatelb Romeo, 6,000 biz corn Burr Oak, Chilli-gibe, 5,000 bu corn Champion, La 6,000 bu CaaltoMohawk Bette, Kankakee feeder, 10 at ittmber ley loan Messenger, Reekaltee feeder, 100,76 Let lumber. PanlereOltr, ilL, Inly p. Igor ant Paul, Ottawa, 5,800 bu corn Montana, tam, IWO be corn industry, Morris, 6.900 bti corn; hiftinet, Marna, 6,900 bu corn Oen. Sherman lien- ea, 6,1 50 ba torn Male Leaf, Birdsbridge, 4,200 bu Morning Light, Ottawa, 5.800 bu corn Georgia. Eden $.400 bn corn Frederick, Henry, 6,000 bu gra Lily, Mortis, 4,000 bit corn.
CuatEnMontauk, Lockport, 5,660 hti 'wheat; queen. 2,706 feet lumber Commerce, Joliet, feet lumber Gen. McClellan, Joliet, 85 in hun- ter. Utlece Hari eons, cericauce Cape A. L.
MeGaw, of this aty, retelved a dispatch eteterday informing him that his vessel, the schr Board of Trade, had sprung a leeik and sunk in 13 haves of water 5 miles W. N. W. of Forpora, on Lite Erie. The Board of Trade left this city on the alit, loaded with 28,000 bushels of corn by Lyon, Isar 4 and consigned to Erace, Chambers re al Buffalo.
Her carvo was valued at about tiele and the hull at On which there is an maimace al on the hull and on the sea The erew were saved. -There were only two or three lumber veteels at dock yeeterday. But few vessels came in during deT. The weatlaer was verY rough ell daYe and leered as contrary as could be. -The prop Merchant has not yet been five toam-pumpte were at work as her yesterday trying to her off Every compartment of the hull is full of se, and her cargo has been thrown overboard.
ELSEWHERE. leoent pens -have put out be wood fires In Michiand navigation is again unobstructed, by smoke. -Tte prop Dromedary eTrung a leak on Lake has gone into dry-dock at St. Catherines. -The Behr Gerrit Smith, which arrived yesterday ireelg, lost her fore-topmast in a puff of wind osele miles off this port.
Venen the mast fell it mime foresail, oterrying it away at the aama tame. flAe 271A. wow Maria, loaded with lumber, when about Itzleabove Lexington, Saturday night, capsized, and teltal where. There being no sea the vessel will not Weeny injury. Sunday her bands were at work eetitthe lumber on shore.
They will probably save AL el it, Beffelo, Monday morning, the boiler of the tug 1.1.Betait1ew up, seriously damaging the tug, but klimatto one, se there wee no person on the boat at the tine, The 131ehn vras 2 years old, and was regarded as attack solid craft. Her dimensions were 44 te th lerg-th by 12 feet beam. Fifteen tons was her measurement, and she was valued at 4.000. There ere no insurance on her. Who buuhelt Jiuil eili be tused at once.
lialustee. Mr. golan Wilson base built a little steaniereteed the 41 Little Fraud," said to be the oreadeat ateunee on the lakes. The Little Fraud is 15 fee keel and, 4 feet beam. The engine is 21( loch bore etl14 tech stroke; boiler 24 inches long and 12 bets in diameter.
The smoke-stack is 48 inches krt. The melee bee been built on the most junavid Pisa, with steam-gauge, whistle, safety-valve, "Ur-gauge. etc. See has a Epee(' of about 0 miles Preen eet tepee from Ottawa to the Detroit Poet says: .6 The Ct 11. F.
Co. are laying up forty bargee out of a atel Cot fifty-two. They contracted in the spring for the transpertatieu of 84,000,000 feet of lumber, but they trig me pee any more than of it. John ta laying up a tow of eight barges. George Lath will lay up eight bargee this week.
Hatton ullite Co. will lay up Otte steamer and a tow of cK es goon as they return from the present trip. L'N'atightee has over twenty bargee. while the re44 freights offered are per for New ez, LOCAL MISCELLANY. ISTYSTEBIOUS DISAPPEARATiCE.
On the morning of Thursday. July 23, Mi lon Andrus, th youth of 17 yeers of age, left hie home, 990 West Lake street, to carry a tundle Of soiled apparel tel the washerwoman 's ment to undergo the purifying process of the washtub whet' night came he had not yet teturned. His elder brother sat on the doorstep until inidnieht watching and listening for Lis footsteps, Lut at.ilI 1i1on did not Come to relieve him by his glad presence. Friday Mortilug came. but brought no tidiags of the missing one.
Adellart, his brother, now became thoroughly alarmed, and begah to institute inquiries. Ile first visited the waeherwowan, who informed him that his brother had been there, and left the clothes, and she had not seen him tines. Ele next went to every place where he thought It might be possible to hear some tidings of him, but without tmccess. Then he visited the differeet police stations, axid notified them of Miloa's absence, and eolicited aid in finding him, and pent the whole day trying to gam home clew to his absence. What made the circ*mstance more distressing was, that Ides.
Andrus has been in poor health for some time1 and, on her the family bad gone into the country, where she now lies sick. The missing boy had always been known as a steady, domesticated youth, fond of home and etudy, and his older brother could only come to the conelusion that he had in some way met with death. He was now placed in et very peculiar position be felt that he dare not telegraph to his father the fact of Milon's continned absence, as the news. in his mother's state of health, might affect her fee tally, and he would use every Illebtle in his power of atteertaining what had become of him, before letting them know anything about it. Accordingly he went to THM Tinetete office clad left an item askir' tee for information of his brother, which appeared in Saturday's paper.
Satnrday, Adellati heard that a boy who bad been drowned in the lake. was lying at the Morgue awaiting identification. With a heavy heart he vimited that place of death, fearing that in the corpse he might recognize his mieeing brother. He looked upon the body, which was that of a stranger, thinking no doubt that some one was looking for this boy and experiencing its he was the deepest eorrow that be came not. A girl living in the vicinity of the artesian well now reported that when the two brothers Ebenetein drove into the quarry Thursday and were both drowned, she saw a third person in the wagon, who bad on a straw-hat.
As Milon Andrus wore a hat of that description, Adellan at once came to the conclusion that his brother lay at tee bottom of that fatal pond, where several have given up their lives already this summer. Nothing would bow satisfy him but dragging the pond in order to recover the body. For several hours men were at work with their implements, while the crowd looked nn, expecting to see the corpse dragged out, as by this time they felt certain he was there. Those who knew Ms babite would say "He ynnet be there. If he is not, where can he be So for a long time they worked, until, for went of success, thee were obliged to detest still the feeling prevailed that he lay at the bottom of that pond- The undecided question in Adellan's mind watt, "should he telegraph to his parents His father ought to now of Milan's absence, hut tile part must be kept from his mother.
Finally, he decided that as lone as nothing was known there might be some hope, and he would wait a little longer. He might, perhaps, by eearcbing, find some further clew to his mysterious disappearance. Sunday the news of the search came to the ears of a little girl named Emma Ballard, who electrified the community by simply saying He has gone with my brother to work on the railroad. They left the city Thursday morning." As Mr. Andrus and his family are highly reepected in the neighborhood where he resides, the statement of this girl was received with intense relief, and conjectures of the reason that prompted him to take such a step took the place of mourning for his probable fate.
Adelian repaired to the Superintendent for information, and found that his tame was registered as one of the employes of the railroad. The most probable reason yet given for his mode of procedure is that the boys who were going out on the train met him in the street, and persuaded him to accompany them that it was nearly time for the cars to go out, and if he went at all he could not notify his brother who is employed as clerk in a tea store. Actieg upon the impulse of the moment without any thought of the sorrow and trouble he might occasion, and probably thinking he had a chance to earn a little money, he at once consented to go with them. It would, however, take several deys' work to defray the expenses incurred by his brother in his endeavors to find him. Young persons and old ones too are sometimes very cruel in their thoughtlessness.
The quarry-poucl near the artesiail well is known to be a very dangerous place so much so that if a boy or young man in that neighborhood is missme, the pond is the first place in every one's mind, as, notwithstanding the danger. it is a favorite resort for bathing. It is situated in an old stone-quarry where the stone has been due out, and the pond is said to be the result of of a spring in a seam of the rock. To the water running-from this spring there is no visible outlet, but the knowing ones say there is an undercurrent which is not visible on the surface, and this undercurrent is fatal to any living thing coming in contact with it, which makes it extremely dangerous as a bathing place and accounts for the many cases of drown- lug dist occur there. The danger may be estimated when it is known that the water in some places is from 12 to 15 feet in depth, and this treacherous under-current forms a maelstrom on a small scale which cannot be resisted.
Horses as aeU as men and boys are drowned there, as witness the loss of the thenstein brothers with their team last week. 11 persons will persist in placing their lives in jeopardy at that fatal spot, it is time the authorities took the matter in hand and placed a guard around it, prohibiting the citizens from entering it schemes of the contractor' who wished to keep the work back until the tall, so as to secure a continuance until next spring, when labor -could be obtained cheaper than ever. In the meantime thousands were unemployed, and good me. chatilca with large families were stfugglint along on wageo of 7.50 a week. Thus spoke Aid.
Bailey, and yet he to not Walit a third architect. SOVEREIGNS OF INDUSTRY, The f011nwing address Was issued yesterday by the Illinois State Connell of the Sovereigns of Industry Believing that great and radical reforms ought to be effected in Government and Society, mad in order that, so far as it depends upon our we may help remove wrong, ignorance, and suffering from our midet; apply the principles of wittily under rousting conditions provide for regular and systtenatic Am- provemenet, and afford special onportunities for etature widen our views and sympothies, and enlarge our range of thought eradicate the disparities which now cliegrace society and inspire those with whom we come in contact with higher honest and a greater love for our COMMOD hurnantty we set for the hearty oceonertstion of all thoughtful and earnest men and women who are engaged in any legeitnate industry, eta we cordially invite them to join hands with us in the work undertaken by the Order of the Sovereigns of We do not know how We ran better convey a knowledge of our principles and the objects for which we are organized than by quoting that portion of the Oonstitution for Subordinate Councils which relates to the aims and ultimate objeets of the Order, The purpose; actiording to Art. 2 are these a. To form a closer bond of tmloil and sympathy in inn' conunirit pursuits. 2.
To thsenee all questions relating to our material condition and prospects. 3. To diffuse such literature and gather set information se ehall lend to a clear understanding of the thalleuitiee to be encountered and the ways and means to be used in the advencement of ouz social and intellectual life. 6. To labor for the improvement and anylytnent of our members, and for the development el a higher and better manhood said womanhoteL 5.
To advauce the cane of education among ourselves, and to provide for instruction in such department of knowledge as our interests rutty require. 6. To diminish the antagantem between capital and labor, and to secure to each man and woman equal righta, and a just share of life's necessities. 7. To discourage all attempt to hamper the liberty of indtuary.
8. To promote co-operative effort, both productive and distributive. 9. To remove the rinjtiet tectmitetlitifet, and hindrentiee to the administration of justice in the laws of the land. 10.
To acquire the power to earobat any epecial monopoly which may threaten our itaduetrial interests, whether in legislation, traneportation, or commeroe. We can gain in working method; in discipline, and in the control of the two fundamental and eseential functions of soelety, production and distribution, only through organization. if in ten years, the voleo of the erdigntened workers and reformers be rtot the voice of the nation, the lama will be their own; for nothing but divisem and want of organization can defeat such a result. To insure success we earnestly solicit every worker's name on the roll of the Sovereigns of Industry. IS.
1. AVERT, M. D. 81 South Clark street, Chicago. IL it., Secretary. 210 North LaSalle street, CMINEINAL. CRIMINAL COURT. The case of Thomas Mnrphy, for larceny, was continued until the September term of the Court. WU Me Marius pleaded guilty to the charge of petit larceny, and was remanded.
The cases of Patrick Dugan and Herman Yager, indicted for assault with intent to do bodily injury, were on motion granted a continuance, The Grand Jury returned an indictment against A. Anderson, the South Side incendiary, charged with setting a 3-foot candle under his dwelling on Portland avenue. His Ca Mill be tried after that of Steaden, next week. THE PO LICE COURTS. John Lamb was afternoon, in the act of robbing the eats of William Eck- hardt, at his lumber office, Canal and Fulton etreets.
He wart held to the eth of August in 700 Pail yesterday by Justice Scully. Justice Boyden disposed of the following fenders yesterday. John Simons, a vagrant peddler, 10 Eliza Scott, drunk and disorderly. 10 James Sullivan, disarderly (stole some base-ball tickets), and Henry Swith, drunk, Three Jade. Philip Lynch.
aged 14 John More risey, aged 14, and Alfred Wright, aged 15 years were before Justice Scully yeeterday morning under the charge of stealing e13 from the money-drawer of Mr. Turney, No. 708 West Lake street. Lynch plead guilty, and was held, with his companions, in 300 bail to the Criminad Court. Jimmy Smith.
the fellow whom it Is alleged bit off the ear of a diecharged soldier in a free figbt last Monday morning early, on South Clark street, was yesterday acquitted of the charge of mayhem by Justice Boyden, as there was no evidence that he was the guilty person. The following offenders were disposed of terday in the North-Stile Police Court: John Adam's, disorderly. 50 Henry Strassuer, drunk and disorderly, 50 Dan Bunkley distorderly. Christ, Cutler, disorderly, and a -vagrant, 25 Robert Williams, disorderly, T10; John Smith, violation city ordiPance regarding weights and measures, t5; and Ldward Utah-Alan, dutorderly, 5. George Williamson, of whom mention has been made as having shot at Martin Mann in their boarding-house, as No.
145 Archer avenue, a few nights ago. was on trial yesterday before Justice Boyden, and the evidence thawed that both parties were to blame, and therefore they were lined e15 each, and placed under e250 bonds each to keep the peace. Justice Kaufmann yesterday continued the following cases Herman Lobe, threats, 500 till Aug. 4 the came party and Augelina edultrey, 500 bouds each, till Aug. 4 Pat Lally.
assault, 300 bonds, till today; Rudolph Crerherdt, assault, 400 bonds, till Aug. Peter Armen, aseault, 300 bonds, till to-morrow Toney Frazer, riot, 300 bowie, till Aug. 5 Joseph Dalton. assault, 400 bonds, till Aug. and John Vogt.
:330 till to-day. Eugene Miller was brought before Justice Boyden Wednesday for swindling a countryman, and fined WO and sentenced to the Bridewell for ninety days. Yesterday morning another one of these thieving loafers, named Frank Slavin, was dragged before the Justice, charged with having swindled a "greeny" named Albert Dodge out of a small amount of currency. There was some doubt as to his guilt, but he was fined es on general principles. An old fellow, hailing from Fallow Station, in this State, by the name of L.
Burr, got drunk Wednesday night, and at a late hour hauled up at one of the numerous houses of ill-fame in the southern portion of the city. During the night he alleges he was robbed of 4465 in currenoy, and a check for 300, which he had drawn on his banker at home. On this charge a girl named Lena Curtis was arreeted, and yesterday brought before the South Side Police Court. After her agree-4 Burr found his money. but the check was gone beyond all hope of recovery.
Ile telegraphed his loas and stopped payment thereon. The charge anainst the girl was changed from larceary to disorderly, and she was fined 10. A fellow named George Swanson sneaked into the Grand Pacifie Hotel yesterday and, after getting Ins breakfast, attempted to steal off without walking up to the Captain's desk and settling therefor. The clerks fix dead-beats like Swanson by standing about a dozen of the boys of the house in a-line, and causing the meek to run the gauntlet, and, after haying made it pretty lively for him, then send him down to the South-Side Police Court 41 a vagrant, where he is duly dieposed of. Borden fined Swanson $10.
which he did not mind half as much as the warming he received in the morning. William Hatheway, of Monee, 1.11., came to the city Wednesday, and in the evening fell in with the notorious boarding-house-keeper, William McLaughlin, and another man. They drank freely, and when walking on the street Hattie-way felt his pocket-hood going, and McLaughlin and his pal" made off with the money. Yesterday morning Hathaway met McLaughlin on Madison street, and, in the absence of a policeman, he arrested him and took him to the station, where Ile now reposes. There was 650 in the pocket-book.
A shoemaker named Frick, who resides at No. 1101 State street, appeared before Justice Boyden yesterday, bringing with him his son Frank, a lad only le years of age, whom the father desired should be sent to the Reform School. This boy wee tried before the Criminal Court some two months ago for petty larceny, and, on account of his youth, was discharged. Since then the old gentleman can do nothing with him. He stole 5 from his aunt, shoes from his father's shop, and sold them, and is in all kinds of mischief from morning to night.
He was held over to the Criminal Court under V200 hail, with the intention of sending him to the Reform School. His father allowed him to be committed in default of bail. yesterday paper mentioned the fact that John Helmuth, an ex-policeman, bad on Tuesday night fired a shot from his revolver at a party of young people returning home iron a dance on that night, and that for this conduct be ins arrested on the charge of an atmatilt with a deadly wenuon with Intent te tont that upon being brought before Justice Kaufmann be was held for his appearance before him yeeterday. During the day Helmeth intviewed the Justice, and attempted to bribe him by the offer of a 10 note to disiniss the case when called. This offer Justice Kaufirilinn indignantly refused.
and yesterday morning when the case was tailed he fined the fellow e50, and aduaimetered to him in open court a well rebuke for the insult he had offered him in an attempt to buy Inne up. In future Helmuth will be careful how he tvproaches Justice Kaufmann. A youth, 13 rears a age, named Jacob Pre- tanski, NVaa before justieqe Boyden yesterday to answer to the chttrge of la nee H. L. Hambri, druggist at No.
417 South Clark street has for some time paet been aware of the fact that some person waa stealing from his money-drawer day after day. The parents of the lad Pretanski rooms over the drugs-tore, and the- boy has been seen loefilig around the premisea and his actioim led Hambri in suspect him as the thief. A trap wait set for the young fellow, and yesterday morning about 0 o'clock be was detected tapping the tilt of the store. He was captured and handed over to Officer Lonergati, who tutroduced him to Boyden. Ile was held over to the Criminal Court in bonds of 8300, and, failing to give bail, he was committed tothetJounLyJaiL Monday Edward Mulligan sneaked up to the delivery-wagon of John SouthClark street, and stole therefrom a jar of butter and a gallon demijohn of whisky.
The better he reseed over to a fellow nanied Pat Chancey, who made away with it The following Tuesday Mulligan was arrested, and yesterday wits before Justice Boyden on the charge of larceny. The evidence was partly beard, when it Was diseevered that Clancey glee had hand in the theft. The Justice then adjourned further hearing of the case, and held Mulligan under 8200 bail, and issued a warrant for the arreet of Clancey. Mulligan is a young man, but an old offender. He has only been out of the House of Correction anent one week.
Ills chances are 'pretty certaia of returning there, or to a worse place. eeleceetANEers. James Brady and Mcellia, the enterprising fellows who are charged 'with the stealing of twenty-five horses. were held to the Criminal Court by Justice Austin, yesterday morning, ni the sum of each, on tare charges. Marguerite C.
Soch, of No. 247 Carpenter street, appeared before Justice 'feet Wend yesterday, and declared upon her oath that Victor Holt was the fattier of her unborn child, but he was not generous enougn to acknowledge the fact; therefore she proposed to compel him to oonfetee A warrant was issued for Holt, and be was arrested and brought before the Justice, who held him under e.300 bonds for his appearance this morning-, Joseph Klien, a dairyman. con plained to lertice Vaal Wond yesterday that he had been swindled out of fifty-nine cans of genniue, unadulterated milk by John Anderson, who, representing to him that he was in the employ of L. B. Smith.
a brother dairyman of Ellen's, obtained the fiftvnine cans, disnotied of them, and pocketed the proceeds for his own pertionel Upon inquiry he ascertained that Anderson was not in the employ of smith, and was acting as his (Smith's) agent in the business without authority. Anderson was arrested on a warrane and brought before the Justice, weo continued his hearing till Tuesday, Aug. 4, under 300 bail. Helen Swanson, who lives at No. 233 North Halsted street, is soon to become the mother of a little responeibilies, and claims that the Want is the illegitimate child of John Alaekson, alias John Brown, a stair-builder, who lives at No.
335 West Landelph street. Alackeon denied the charge so emphatically that Miss Swanson yesterday appealed to Justice Van't Wend, and requested a warrant issued for the stair-buildere; arrest, in order that the Juane might decide whether or not her babe should be ushered into tnis world of sin and sorrow without knowing to whom it was indebted for its existence. Aiackson was arrested, and gave bond in the sum of 4500 for his appearance to-daybefore the Justice. when be will examine into the merits of the case, and decide whether the young lady's infant has a fatiler in the person of the defendant. Mention has been riled of a mnriemne assault haying been committed Thursday night of last week by Kate Harnett teen a girl named Jennie Qualey, at the disreputable lodging-honee No.
92 West Madison street, owned by Patrick McLaughlin, and that, upon being brought before Justice Scully, she took a change of venue to Justice Austin, who held her under e200 for her appearance before him. on the 30th inst. Yesterday the case was called, and was on trial before' that tribunal. In the examination of some twenty witneseee to the affair, a second row was, imminent in the Court. The principals with their witnesses.
be-Coming enraged with each other, swore with such rapidity that it 'would have taken some dozen or more shorthand reporters to keep up. Finally. with the assietance of the attending Constables, order was restored and the trial progressed. The evidence in the ewe fixed the aseault as a murderouti one, and the prisoner was held over to the Criminal Court in bonds of 8500. His le C.
who became her bondsman. when first arrested, for her appearance before the Justice yesterday, refused to stand good for her appearance before the Criminal Court, and, in default of bail, he was committed to a gloomy cell in the County Jail. GENERAL NEWS-The temperature yebterday, as observed by Mf11151S68. optician, under the Temtrze was, in the shade, at 7 a- 62 deg. 10 a.
76 12 82; Sp. 87 6 p. 84 and 8 p. 83. Mr.
A. J. Scoville is making arrangements for a trial of steam-boilers during the next exhibitiori at the Exposition Building. Ile has attached a metre to the supply-pipe of his boiler, and will each day weigh out a certain amount of fuel of different kinds. In this manner he will ascertain which coal is the best, and 'which boiler produces the greatest amount of steam with the least amount of fuel.
As several other makers intend to compete, the trial will be spirited. Wednesday of this week the Young Christian Association Employment Bureau gave work to thirty men; yesterday business was dell and applicants were less fortunate. The Bureau has never been better able to furnish good help than at the present time The bail in the case of Nicholas Staaden, the peroon indicted for eetting fire to his premises on North Clark street fixed at 45.000 in one case and 10,000 in the ether. The German citizens of the North Division have secured the services of John Mason, tor assist the State's Attorney in the prosecution of that distinguished individual having himself retained Thomas Shirley, Esq. Yesterday evening about 7 o'clock, on State street, between Monroe and Adams, the horses attaehed to Car No.
2 of the Archer avenue line became detached by the pin holding the whiffle-tree coming out- They ran south and collided with Hack No. 26, belonging to Dennis McCarthy, in front of the Palmer House, breaking and splintering the pole and starting his horses. Both teams were captured at Monroe street withont further damage than that received by itIcCarthy's hack. THE TIRE ENCHITEEHE. The New York Bulletin of the 28th says; The next National Convention of Fire Engineers will be held at St.
Louis in the course of a 1: evi weeke. opportunity will be offered there to preeent permanently, before the public any riane, invention, device or improvement, looking to the prevention of firel; everywhere. We trust that opportunity will be improved, and the result will be in increased pxotention, not only for Chicago, but all other cities. At the national convention of the same body, at Baltimore, last year, it will be remembered, two important suggeetiona were made looking to prevention. Thime were First.
The limitation or disuse of combustible material In the structure of buildings, arid the restriction of the daugere of elevator ssiaages hatch- ways, euti kilonsarda. Second. The isolation of each apartment in a building from other apartments, and of every building from those adjoiumg by high party walle. Toe changes here contemplated were considered of so mnch importance Involving, as they do, a contemplated revolution in tile whole tem of warehouae or simile or eeneing change of building contracte, that the Committee hey. jug the matter in ebarge euggeotett that a detailed report be delayed until tam nest maeting.
The Rogge. ton wag agreed to. It is unnecessary to add that the events which have transpired since that Convention was in seetiion will impart additional importance to its future deliberations. Meanwhile, it is a great point gained that general attention bait been redirected to the whole subject. along with a conviction 0 the part of the insurance iuterest, Fire Commissioners.
and ell concerned, that something must be done beyoud what has already been accomplished to arrest the wholesale destruction ot property from time to time throughout the country, which presents itself new ha the light of a posve natiotuti reproach. Yesterday morning, between 7 and 8 o'clock, a man. whose name is supposed to be Patrick Cox, aged about SO, was run over and killed near the Thirty-fourth street crossing of the 41lichigan Southern Railroad, by a locomotive. His body was taken to the Morgue. Yesterday afternoon a wall, over 30 feet high, all that remained to mark the spot where the building No 340 State street once stood, was blowu clown by the strong gale from the south west.
It fell on temporary frame structure close by, occupied ea a saloon by Henry Gunder-man, and mashed it to fragments. There were several persona in the place, and one or two were sligetly injured. Tee eseape WWI IIIATOW cot: or arleeen' er ndot ti 1 Injured et ei 1 rardeg a wagon at the The driver was not to blame. The body of a woman usetred Margaret Runan, who hved et No. 21 Huron street, was found in the lake yeeterday morning, and conveyed to the Morgue.
oli.t6Parnc7c:oRrrmani aSinptOdedNkiaeAictfatby ilmialeyitityea wife synyotee orgadaiunty to-day fen WitiOMISith A telegram from Ilene York easel thin the Churth of the IlecieeMer, Newerk, has given a cell to the Rev. J. E. Forreeter, of the Church of the Itedeetner of this city. at a salary of 05,000 a year.
Ex-Goy. Marque le Ward, of Newark, X. now member Congress frotn that State, pained throug the city yeeterday with his wife sod sieter. They will beemi a collide of months on the Pacifie coast. State's Attorney Reed feels justly indignant at the uncalled for etatements in yesterday's Times concerning the war in -which he has conducted the provocation of Dr.
Earl. That paper charges lama with haying been so looee that he was a punitive aid to the prisoner's coulieel. Tine is only another of the uuwarrantable and utterly mandioes aniertions Which the Times has so frequently made agaihst petsons in ollicitsi life. John Lyle King and Col. Doran, whit bays defended Earn, state freely that the course adopted by lhe Deed iu examining jurors and aitueeses was such as to completely upset many of their best-laid and most elterishett plans, and as lawyers, snide from their connection with the de, feast).
acknowledge that his management of the people's side of the ease was masterly in every sense of the term. The responeible editor of the Times atoned in a measure for the injurv by sending one of his chief writers to Mr. Reed with an apology. It appears that bubordinatea were eutarely to blame in the matter. ROTEL Tremont HouseL.
D. Chapin. to toy, X. T. James E.
Beebe, Philadelphia F. C. Curtis, St. Louis C. Raymond, Charles City, Iowa J.
Cliambeilain and wife, Boston A. IL. Morrison, en Joeeph; IL P. Wvaian New York. Merman HouseC.
J. L. du Lae E. Bailey, Connecticut J. Fulton.
New liork F. A. R. McKinney Detroit L.A. Dexter, Black River, N.Y.
E. M. Pomeroy and W. O. Witson, Wasbington Palmer Byford.
U. S. Thomaa H. Fisher, U. S.
A. 3. IL Middleton, London j. A. Joyce, St.
Louis Asa E. Butts, New York Edmund IL Gelston, Baltimore; IL B. White, Benton; John Kern, St. Louis. Grand PacificL.
G. Mason, Muskegon Decatar, New Orleans- Judge David norer, L'urling- ton Bisbop Lee, Iowa the lion. D. M. Kelley and A.
E. Elmore, Wisconsin C. D. Gorlene, Superintendent P. Ti; F.
.11. J. L. Ineek, Cinenusati the Hon. Sylvester II.
Leant, EL Louis R. Nathan and wife, New York. ANNOUNCEMENTS. There will be a ladies' temperance meeting tomorrow at 3 o'clock in Grace Methodist Episcopal Church. A meeting of citizens ef the Tenth Ward will be held this evening at Wall's Hall, corner of Adams and Halsted streets, for the purpose of receiving the report of the Committee appointed to draft a plan for a Citizeute, FireePattol.
The usefulness of steam fire-pumps on tug boats will receive trial to-day. One of Cape tle Maxwell's pumps has been placed on Capt. Cole tug L. B. Johnson, and will be tried at 10 o'clock this morning at the foot of Monroe street, in the preeence of the Board of Fire Commiseioners, Board of Public Works', and the Mayor.
The benefit of John Dillon occurs this eyening at the Academy of Music, and to-morrow evening Mr. John W. Illan3dell will have his. Prof. J.
W. M. Langston (colored President of the Howard University at Waehiugtert. will deliver a lecture on Equity Before the Law," at McCormick's Hall, Saturday evening. On this evening a grand ball will be given at the North- Side Temperance Hall, on Huron street, between Clark and LaSalle, the proceeds to be devoted to the purchase of a flag for the Union Circle of the Chicago Fenian Brotherhood.
Tbe ball, which is got tip solely by the young ladies of the North Side, will be made quite attractive, and those who attend will certainly be afforded much enjoyment. A a new divieion of the Sous of Temperance will be instituted this evening at the hall of Union Park Lodge, No. 61e West Lake, between anood and Lincoln streets, at 8 o'cloce. All old members of Tabernacle and Beacon Light DiVitik)118, and friends of the cause desirous of joining the new organization. each it is intended to make the model division of the State, are invited to meet the Grand Officers, who have eignified their intention to appear in full force upon the occasion.
SOUTH CHICAGO. Wednesday a small party of ladies and gentlemen made a visit to South trip it is neceseary to make frequently if one would keep posted in regard to the improvements making in that wide-awake suburb. The gentlemen were the Hon. J. V.
Le Moyne, Jesse White-. head, O. B. Larabee, James Morgan, and E. H.
Hubbard, with their ladies. The first landing from the cars of the Illinois Central railway was made at Wild Wood, the residence of Col. James IL Bowen. Here they took the steamer Florence, and had a most beautiful ride some 3 miles down the Calumet, and, turning to the right on the Grand Calumet nearly as far, tame to a bed of the most magmtlcent flowers that the party bad ever beheld, here Cr elsewhere. Here were some 2 or 8 acres of the ettrirlAN all in full blooma sight that stirred up all tee botanical enthutimem of the party to the highest pitch of excitement.
The 'Aunt grows Erie the white and yellow pond lily, and some botaniets class it with them among Nympleten. coati; bat the best thorny at hand call it the Nelumbium specionum All agree however, that it grows on the banks of the Nile, and it is commonly known as the lotus. Some of the ladies who had studied up the subject said it grew in this country only on the banks of the Maumee and the Calumet. The leaf generalty floats on the water is round, and from 12 to 18 niches in diameter, with the stem in the centre from 8 to 10 feet long reaching down to the mud. The flower is on a similar stalk is a dele icate cream color, and, in some cases, at least 6 or 8 inches in diameter.
The capsule is broad and fat on the top, with many small orifices surrounded by yellow down. It is thickly sure rounded by stamens with golden anthers.the whole forming one of the most gorgeous of Bowe ere. No wonder the ancient Egyptians and Chinese made it one of their sacred emblems, for even a modern botanist would almost wore ship it. It has been suggested that the Lincoln I'ark Commisaionent should devote some little nook in, their lake to the cultivation of this splendid plant. and the recommendetion is heartily seconded.
At this season it wodld form a great attraction, which citizens and strangers would be delighted to see. But the main object of the gentlemen was to see for themselves, and study the business capacity of TUE nun-erre and its surroundings. These are practicatly without limit. It is 15 miles from the rapids near Blue 'eland to the mouth of the river. For more than half this distance the river is from 15 to 20 feet deep, broader than the Chicago River, and of coarse, now that the bar has been removed by the Government, and piers constructed at its mouth, it is navigable, say for 8 miles or more, for the largest yeeeela on the lakes.
The depth on the upper half of the river is from 10 to 15 sufficient for all praoteal purposes. The banks on this part of the stream are high, and generally beautifully wooded on one side or the other. It will not be nve years before. during the summer, steamers with pleasure-parties will ply between the city and these cool, shady banks of the Calumet-The whole river presents a wharfa*ge front of at least 30 milesall that Chicago will need for lumber-yards and manufacemcg purposes when she becomes a city of 5,000,000 people. The Calumet region has suffered in the good opinion of our people by its low, swampy appearance where the Bliehigen Southern and the Pitteburg Railways cross it.
Bat even here all it needs is docking, and the dredgings in front thrown behind it, to make it as good as most of the Chicago Lever was in the early history of the city. An inspection of the river from Bine Island to its mouth must convince any man that every foot of the 15 miles on either side of It is available for business purposna. aorta arsceoo is improving mach more rapidly than any other of our suburha, for the reason that malmfao imies ate likely to concentrate there. Alatrve the Fort Wayne Ileilroad quite a town has been built on the east side of the river, within the at few months. A large rolling-mill is ready for the Machinery as Bolin as reviVal Of the iron trade calls for its nee.
Smoke Imm tali chimneye begins to darhen the Air in all directions, Ana it may be truly said that progrese the order of the day thing the Lemke of the Cul- tnet. The railway bridges Lave thus far been a fera Midable entrarctiee to (lie riavigatiot of the Cateinet. The ewe Central roads (Illinois and Mithigan) promptly reeponded with draw bride two Of three yeare ago. That of the Michigan Central is a clumsy affair, that it ie surpriming that the enterprhang teenagers of that road would consent to tie at all. But ft answers tolerably well.
The Fort Wayne and the Michigan Southern have held off, and for three years bave htra1iy torn up their tracks two Or three times a week, et as ofteu a bteamer or a vessel desired to pass. The igmithern is now actively at work building a bridge with a 60-foot draw. The manauere of the Fort 'Warne are mill content to tear up their track. making a eapense for thetuselyes. and all the delay and trouble they can to veseel-owners.
tench conduct on their part te simply outrageous. There ehouid be some summary Leval procases to britg them to term. Ellould they kohl out after the other roads afford the needed accoma th, aetion for heavy damages against them would, no doubts be sustained by the courts. Tint bites et the Calumet, affording emit ample Opportunities for manufacturing ourpoises of all kinds, lie witnin la nAles Of the city. Whoever have ton years will ele them Swarming with industry.
They will be to CLuctarn--they ehould, in fact, be a part of our citywhat Neer-. ark is to New York. Four of our greet railroad linee cross them, and the Baltimore Ohio Will soon make a lafth. Tbey are all vdthin little More than half an hour of the city. Chicago has already the commerce of the Nortawest within her graep.
It le only thirte-seyen years since she became a city, and lotig before thirty-seven years more have pease(' away she will supply a half a score of States with their manufactured goods, thus etyma her the undisimted control of the largest and the richest portion of the Union. 81113171t DAN Nit'W S. wasareeeoit striones. At the'ineeting of the Board of Trtisteea Monday evening, the report of the Read Commiseion annouticieg work done to the saddling of 01130.19 was aceepted. D.
Simon secured the grading of Oak street at 75 cents per rod. The bile of W. Calvert, 21.59. and F. Vv Clarke, 'were ordered paid- The report of the Treasurer was accepted, and referred to the Finance Committee.
It was as follows Leoeipte, t317.37; disbursem*nts, S62.48; talance on hand, e259.89. An ordinance was read ordering aesesem*nts for ail delinquent lots on the west side of Prospect avenue, from Ninety-ninth to South street. and on the east side from Pearl to South. G. Walters, J.
Sanders, and U. Martin, were appointed the Aeseseors. Liquor licenses were issued to Mr. Whichoffer and G. Delp, and the Board adjourned.
Mr. Warner, the corrtraator of the Graded School building, has the exeavating done, and is busy with his foandation-waills. All the rough stone ts on the greend. Work is proereesing very favorably on both churches, assfalso on the grading of Ninety-fifth street. The It.
I. P. R. R. Co.
are pntting in crossings at Ninety-fifth street. and there is proepect of a handsome brick depot at that point. The Bethany Church ladies' Sociable will occur this evenieg at the residence of Capt. Springer. Breen PABIL A very enjoyable lawn party" was given at River Park Wednesday evening in the beautiful erounds frontiug the reelleuce of Supt.
Tenney, of the Chicago Ao hue. who now rendes at this point. Several ladies and gentlemen from the city were present. who, along with the party from the village. tent a very delightful evening.
The new Presbyterian church at this place is meetly approaching completion. It Is now abont incloeed, and will be ready for occupancy in October. THE CANAMT4 UMBER tNTEREST. OrrAwa, J.tily 39.A lumber convention is in session here. attenaed by large nualera of delegates from venous parte of Quebec and Ontario.
The Hon. Jill Hamilton. of Hawkesbury, is President, and Mx. Lord, of Hull, Secretary. A resolution wee adopted recoils.
mending the foltuatiou of the Dominion Lumbermen a Association, and a commiitee appointed to draft a conetitution and by-laws. 1. ROCITEFCRT'S CCCUPATICII. NEw YonK, July London letter say: "Itochefort's work is going on at a good pace. If you visit him at his hotel you are likely to And him surrounded by four or five secretaries.
all se busy as himself. It it3 not difficult to guees the intended destination of his writings. but of the means by which they are to reach it it may not be prudent to say mach." The Best Starch. Duryeas1 Sots Gloss Starch and Duryeas1 11 proved Corn Starch 11 is the beet in the world. Use it once and you will use no other.
Ilmwausza, June 15, using Duryeas' starch hi my hotel-laundry for ten months, I eon res. oramend it as being the whitest, strongest, and most glossy starch. I can purchase. Lassrso BONrISTELL, Proprietor Newhall House. Pianos and Organs to "tent A splendid assortment of surperior irttrumerds to rent st from $1 to $12 per month, and mosey pai't as rent deducted if purchased.
Lyon at State and Monroe stratts. i Pianos for Cash- A few histraments that have been rented and but little used can be bought at Reed's Temple of Mosta, 91 Von Buren street, at the very lowest pante prieett. AMUsem*nTS." HOOLEY'S TRIATRES TIH3 FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 30, Genuine said EntlausisstiC Success of THE GREAT ADELPHI COMPANY. MINSTRELS, VARIETIES AND DRAMATIC. Distinct Special Stars.
THREE DISTINCT COMPANIES. Note the PricesSO etc. 25 cte.a or 75 eta. No extra for 5ecurthg. amily Mtfwe to-row (S ATURDAY).
MONDAY. THE YorON Itr'Ul. CARONS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, BEN Ercrr TO-NIGHT of the popubtr farnet JOHN DILLON! When will be presented a Grand Double B. Two great dramas.
HOMY, 1,54 THE W1, Lad MASHED', Olt DE'S GOT IT BAD. Daring the eveuing Mr. J. J. SULLIVAN will recite OAF particular request) the new and beautiful poem mitt.
LANGSTON (colored), President of How. ard ronisertty at Washington. D. gal dehrer Ws Lecture on EQUALITY rEFORE THE AT illeCORMICK HALT," Corner Clark and August 187,1 at o'clock. A dzaiwton, 541 cents, EXPOSITION BUILDMG, mrsr zarxtrx.irm With SIPIRFOPTIOO'f 1111tWIS of rAftrq.
Mei by Mr. to CST A OEM A RS. A loo, bu tes DO I 'pi A IroF ()ro-n afrvn and for PROPOSALS. BALTIMORE OHIO RAILROAD. Prispossia fn.
buntline ReondHrmoss, Math los end Elsekustat42 hoops, at Chime. will be r000lvAd at the Ottica Of the Company. 0-2 wh.r.e I1sta and specticattons may be sems until the tItth of Atten'tt. hi. C.
QUINCY. 1-'rtoldwit F. e. fry. SCALES.
TAIRBANZEl IS gn SC.A.I3MS OE ALL SIZES. MO ESE Lu LSD 113 LAULE-ST. EDUCATIONAL. UNIVERSITY OF EICITIGAN MEDICAL The Lectures of the $ewdort of will commonest the FtrhST DAY OF OCTOBILIk aad cognise tot months. Besides the Clinical Lectures, four Didactic Leckie will be delivered daily through the entire term.
A Course separatra, bars equal, fro women. To endears of Michigau e5 for the first rear; eul subsequeet yeara To all others, $15 fdr the first year. and 153 for all equent years. For circulars address MAX. Doan of the Isoutart Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Racine Collecre 0 The twenty-second pear of Racine Cotters will betel The lac of Letters aod the Solt of the Ortiletetere Derartment, the flrammer aletowol the Stattrmnattcal hehool al too reparatory Deport anent, win open on that day. For addrowaota. lato Railr. Janie. Dotterel kiwctow.
Cmalcownew cwo tot wt 04.rthotrit's Nottettal Bank, or at MITCH hAtE 41.o Clarii-et uffransrry ellNoTzE inZIS.Cei.l..u"7"Iirno;tob174tchrsmn"61,e.1"adtiltir79171117.-4 461 MRS. SYLVAiTIS REED'S EngIbli, French, and P9reltriftng and Pre ilch'el y'creetg lath Di litale girls Ras. keit beet, bilp Aew Km-newel tna nena re ail begin at, 9 a- tact. le anon all anon .4 ent. New pehoigra will tepott bept.
i. whew teacneri will cleat; liaenii MADAME O. da SILVA and AtdX. IllgtABFORDra (formerly kl French German Boarding-tirterol for Yining Ladies anti arena. 17 West I re- wean Sept- 2i.
Appliastien mar alie mania personally or by lastee as anoint. VIPS. WISL. G. BlrirAlt'S BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LA rir rs.
The Fill Term of MrL irai Schost CUMLMISACCIS Itr 4. IC. April. Witi. Miss Anna C.
Brackett's School Par girls. Went Neer York et4y. pear opens Oct. numbor of boarding pupils ought. Circulars sent on application.
PARENTS AND GUAILDIANS. Ilia School aad College Directory valuable Ire formation consenting Semmes. emplace exptmesil as a giniiie or ins nets ot parent-. Sent trait. T.
C. lilt. Bennett Badding, New York. PeelsAin (N. Military Academy.
New and tine Gymnasium completed. Send for Ficlorel tte perycar. COL. C. J.
Principal. IOTTAGPftILL EMINA RY. FOR YOU'S CD ladise, Penetikenanie. Ina-tones Conmy. N.
Y. Coarse ot comprenensiva. Lassa sae tine arts a specia4. Fur addreee C. to WETSELL.
Pcincips1 and Px tem ftNalrVEERINO xi the Reacciaor Politecente Institute, Tory. N. Y. Inxtztiv urn' terz practical. Advantages unrampasamt it this ocanicr.
Draduates obtain arealsont position. Re. opens Sept. 1.6., for ulac Anneal Reciter, 0,112, amine ice proved 4.4T11,144 Study. anti foil peordotainriC adages' rime.
CILARLFS DIP," WA Direetort DWAEDS FLACK litcliODiTFORRDYtii A-NDJIL youier ratm. Stocktiridem, begun its Seli ynar Sept. 22. Strain per Imuntn. Six pettcvear.s peepara 45 Pulitla tor Coliege, euHte Schnol or lioameec, litiFFSIAN A Aiewcoate IM.ApRiTiFy:i(d),011: toges for literary antl art culture.
and one beauty of 14 location. Address Roe. C. V. SPEAR.
Principal. BITLEILFVM BOARDING AND DAY-Ill school, ter ladies. as Taszytawa-teettle-Ltuil wid reopen SegAt QOUND SCHOLARSHIP. nuinly demeanor. Pn! tievtiontient At YONKERS 31IT, IT iTi1 for hirsmi, Roe F1A4.
RAILROAD TIM TA2LE. fE7FIR-IdiRM'fm-Id TriLANATIoN OF MM.M1!We1 Exturdarit eDtoti Sunday ezeocvla.d. I Monday I At two bender et 0 xita a. LB. 4 Dadv.
leMtflit CESTRSI. WESTER ilarpet. Jong (4, moot font Ot 2-icket G7 lark rumor of itraoutotph. anti 75 corner of Itadison. 1 arrirc tyta wain and air Noe a.
m. 0. 00 Day Express. a. nui istI p.
A ff I ra. A tia one Egoresa 15 it. -00 a rei limb' itatop. ut. tti ra.
4-ND AI saa.t.00 In a. rm. I t.yr.,ress. It p. rn.l SY.
nu C. IF Paaaraxer Agouti CHICArUtiL PITON Cticaya, Cify 004 Liss. tin lentstris and A CORA M. Lona entouglit Liise. to2on est Meer NodayAn46-44, tcket 4A ilepac aviti 1-12.
14,144 Kansas Clry and rornver Past Ex. 1 p. tn. 2.4 ti. rra.
Kihek.0 CM" 01001 If 10 P. Mi 1:..10 0- in 0041 etas. a a. at. 9 it, D.
St. Louis Ex ie a. in. T. via Arit.rm villa D.vEstort....'t fbiia p.
1 ii tTpringtield Firm. A .1:,111 a. sus liakt kLlwasia 9 p. mu. 4 7 mkt Jera City erpr-aa.
p. in. 7 u. Peoria, 4 9 tis a. in.
1. Chicago Paducah Railroad 9 a. ra. Laxert. Ls.
T. 4 ::4) p. tn. p. ra Joliet Dwight Accummodation.
41:1: a. 0 I. in. enrirtl. W7T-WtTPETE a RIITtilott rwkne comer ii440.91,1 diffea Ohl opposite Sherman How.
1.1td ot Depaa. Prairie dill Chita, 3AvisuiaLe, Gre.en Stevens' Vomit, 61. nag 1 Day 3111waukee, Gmea Ear. St rein' PrIllittO 1311 Cbieu. Mail Milwaukee.
66 PAW 1 Mill116041-: otta, Kzrreal VENTRAL Depotfont col Lim-. amid Fame el' agmda, Di tatwatpipia-iit. ateMir Ciark. 1 ears. i Attrosa.
FL LOUIE it m.L--, pa: m.m. St. Louis Fast Line PI IS 11 CIAIre A New Orleans )7 LI: Him: 1.1 A tiSsia ma. New Orleans ki.a..
il 1., 3. 1... 7 0. uz. Peoria A Kek a Ex k.
a. ra. 4 i. 11 0 Dubuque Finns City tr.s... Itithugue A Flops City p.
ni. i 4., en. (a) Gilman Passenger. no. tri.
() rams Utsums4gu ou sturdaYik CHICAGO. etIFILINGItwo A tr.1114CY aft111111. DepotioPoot of andf etzt.enfk-oe.. aunt Coma oso4 kozteentle-4'a. Zoo.
60 Grratel l'acuse Aici. aPti st depot.s. Ping and Frpreow a. P. 1 p.
tn. Ottlillb a sLa4 sereator '1 -On a. at. 7,40 p. tn.
Dubuque blOtLa Lap a p. Picnic Lind. tor "1J Me a. en. p.
Ea. Lartmis City, Leavenerrwrin. Joaeprke EzP, a rrt. p. tn.
Texas 1V44) a- in. 7:15 a ri Aurora Piseentror p. tes. Pi. uttawa Streator PAUS p.
en. 9-34 a. ne. Aurora Pacpn a tl. 171.
It an A urora 4Suo4a7) Ilee) 1Gi a. ni tilouicity p. ,) a. nu Pacnie Zihecht Lip, for ComaPa, tin 44 P. Ka.
harass C)ty. i. chmon St. Exp nt f4, 1-15 a. A zconnenniat 11 a.
tn. 2 p. ea. loweror'll Urn, Aommentnorlateln, I a. ra.
5 -tri P. T. Loowner's (avows A-ceankapootattent na. 7:16 a. ES Suadays.
I Ea. Enturnay. -IttondAy CHICAGO WORPIWESTERI ItEttlt (Iry 0008 64 Clark-4, ewer ::4 career allasitittIant a. 218 Ti. tea paoieque knby e.t.
eta a. 111 131- Dubuque Noght EL. via Chalon to a. Ia. a Omaha Night, hvoreas eto-tik a.
44 a. reopovi Derlitutt ripessa. a. p. a Freeport -ok tritioclue Izaprees p.
CIA, a. Milwaukee Mail i IP a. wt. a. In Liwau4ee uk.o" Ale p.
nt. 4 itwaMitt 6. p. tn. p.
Molatoitee Vaaeneer -to p. to. 5,0 a Greer; tag Express a. 7104 p.m. St.
Pant p. 7 a. nu Mammal te Repteata 1 a. at. a.
al. a a rata Parstwoger-. a. Ia. 4.p.
tn. aDepot career of Weile and of Utrud los4 Kitts; VV. tr. leLLT Geo- Pass. Agent CHWACO.
ROCK ISLAND et PACIFIC RAILA3A1 oorswer of 1.3'.1.)'"'"n ..4 agPliCwrainai .1,15 a la, 0. ub p*rn ACC.rananindatt011................'. 5 oel 9. to a. la.
Pliant famproma O. to. Lt a. nil, I1.4eas. 1 Arrt.e., I- 81: a- m-ri au 1 22) s.
m- i IV p. us. 500 p. m. 7 SA p.
ta lb Vt 115 A s. TI30 Lowy. I A rrtae. PROFEEZIONAL DR. A.
G. OLTN, The long-est encievA au Tr twit frat tb out, to the speeMa, La. ervatta. and etmhr to iebutielt opt 4i cured. wato apacw.L.
board, tetometauce. 2 PIALZEilA Faucet at 4 tbetaboto tioatedi by rAt.J. NO 1. Iseanl 369 SarTII crlicAGo, Mar be cowulted, pory.orisily or tos tL. ot chArg 03 or-rt-yroe 0.1,04,510 bit.
J. to 1...11 fia I OIT ta curag 06. we swum, ma. p. ISastciala trim 4.27.
1 LOCAL IVIISCELLANY. schemes of the coetractor, mt wished to keep atteault with a deadly weapon with intent te tell, west. It fell 'On. temporary frame tmies ate likely to concent there Above the work back unted the fad wh so as to secure a end that upon being- brought before Justice, close by occupied se a saloon by Henry Gunder the Fort Friday presence Wayne Railroad quite a town hes been MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARATiC E. On the morning of Thursda Jul en In yetirs of tge left his ecabloonntatgl.nuance.
until n.e at spring, when laboreeoule Kaufmann be was held for his appearance be- zaan, and mashed it to fragments. There were built on the eaet side of ibe river, within the be obtained cheaper than ever. the mean- fore hen yeeterdaY Druin the day Helmeth several persona in the place, and one or two last few months. A large rolling-en' ill is ready EDUCATIONAL rifisITY OF EICITIGAN Andrus, 6 youth of 17 Y. linen time thousands we-e unemployed, and good intviewed the Justice, and attempted to bribe were sligbtly injured.
Tee eseape was a narrate for the tea hi rem revival of the DEPArr 1E11 4 a ce with large families were struggling him by the offer of 10, 10 note to dime" the One fee all of theM. nery as AS home, 999 Weet Lake street, to ettrrt, Of on wages of 7.50 a wek, Thus spoke case when called. This offer Juetice Ranfiriann fl homas Wileceas 6 teloreettile under the in- eleolt trader. 7118 for its nee. Smoke fmm talid tionet- and it mai be truly mild that progr A-1 fleece of liquor, yesterday morning.
was rim soiled aPParel te the washerWornan4s eetablishe Alldt Bailee, and yet he 'does tot Want a third indignantly refused. and yesterday morning Ir ment to undergo the purifying process of the architect. when the case was tailed he fined the fellow san cOoVrenreanr dot se.ur,taoshusiluygitonturzid byDesapiwaiaugeoanbetrteette.he el i a washtub when night came he had not yet te- se and aduaimetered to him in open court a well- Th- SOVEREIGNS OF INDUSTRY. i merited rebuke for the insult he had offered him tenet. turn th doorstep ed.
Iles elder brother sat on The driver as no to blame ree Lectures of the a The railway bridges have thus far been a fee, of '7'74-75 win eethreeneer ULM tnidnizht Watchin and listening for is inni In, address was issued yesterday by in an a tempt to buy up uture Het- the Ilan. ois State Council of the Sovereigns of haufrnarms who lived et No. 21 Huron street, wet's- found the flaST DAY MP OCTOBES. am Colitilia. tar ms.
faint" of the Calettet. The tire Cene footetepe, Lut stall 3Illon did not come to Industry muth will be careful bow he aseproaches Juetice The body of a woman zollned Margaret Kunan, onth entrarterese etudes the Clinical Lectures ftmr Didactic Lect ett I relieve hira by his glad pe. ra It 11 the lake yeetereay will be delivered deity morning, and conveyed to the tray roads (Mines eel ti the entire term. eying that great and radicle reforms ought to be A youth, 13 years of age, named jacob Pre- Morgue. 1 nein) promPtlY re" A Course separate, bet egoist for woman.
A merintig Came Out brought no tidings of the el! tooted In Government and Society, mid in order that, tanski, wee before justien Boyden yesterday to epoffiled with draw hi-teens two or three yeitre missing one. dellart, Ids brother no becam a far as it depends upon our we ma help to the ch itrge of la ne A. Hambri, M-MS ago. That of the Michigan Central is a clumsy remove apply wrong, ignoranee and sullering from our druggist at No 417 StMeh Clark has PERSONAL. thoroughly alarmeLt and begets to institute in- midst the principle of rro.
wing, accompanied le 'f conditions provide for regularclinantld Iminenertemaetlitinic Pm! for some time paet been aware of the fact that is wife an affair that it ie surprie Teemems of mimes 5 ing that the enterprieing en or the nrst resri enl Innetdhaoebridrieearvtobet inotatilleesditeclaiez i 111AltINE. guinea, Ile first visited the wataherwousan, who managers of that road would consent to we an gebteelleet provements, and afford special opportunities for ettl- some person wae stealing from his money- yettrigeet deughter, arriyed in the city yesterdey at all. But it answers tolerably well. The To all theta $13 fot the filet year and tel for all Et informed him that his brother had been there, and ture widen our a a ur drawer dar after day. The parents of the lad from Olford, O.
He and his family leave 8 gaol leon Wayne and the Michigan Southern herd liequeut rears' views and symmunes, nd enlrge nd left the clothes, she had not seen him einc s. range of thought eradicate the disparities whice now e-reeanski tocenpe over the drege-tore, teethes all quest possible to ons retating to our material for held off, and for three years bave literally torn Force-clears address (Ingram society and inspire those with whom wecome and the boy has been seen lolling around the up their tracks two or three times a week, or as ARIL 81Cen. M. De i 1 He next went to every place where he thought it A- tele le grmn rout OW or sate thin the in contact with higher home and a greater love for our premises. and his actioim led liambri to suspect Itt ofteo as a eteamer or a vessel desired to pass.
Dem' of shs '''dieI f.ftri might be pear some tidings of him, common humanity we set for the hearty compere- him as the thief. A trite waa set fot the young Church of the tedeenter, Newarko has given ii The southern is now actively st work building a Ana Arbor, Michigan. II but eithout success Then he visited the dif- tion of all thoughtful and earnest men and women who fellow and yesterday morning about 0 o'clock be cell to the Rev. J. E.
Forrester of the Church bridge with a 60-foot draw. The managers of lemma police stations, mad notified them of are engaged in any legilanate industry, we cor- wee eeteet th Ii 11 Miloa's absence, and golicited aid la finding clialty invite them to joie hands with us in the work ed tapping a el 0 store. of the Bedeetner of thie city. at a salar of 05,000 the Fort Weep are atilt connt to tear 1:1 bacme Collecre undertaken by the Order of the Sovereigns of bee He waa captured awl handed over te Officer a year. up their making a te large ex- 0 hita, and epent the whole day trying to gam 'Vestry.
Lonergati, who tutroduced him to Ile The tw pense for themselves. and all the fteet.16.qae".'sec... r5Balui9t111.41,1,77,;4111eb"" some clew to hie abseuce. We de not know hole we can bettet emery a kneel- was held over to the Criminal Court in bonds of EI-GOV. Minnie Ward, of Newark, N.
delay and trouble they can to vestel-owners. at tho 001.300o Dersetm What made the circ*mstance more distressing edge of cmr principles and the objects for which we $300, and, failing to give bail, he was committed now member of Congress from that States Such conduct on their part is simply outrageous. the Mathwomical Sahool eat tee leceparatoryniacpan was thee Tara Andrus has been in poor health organized than by quoting tht portion of the Con- are ina to the mhrou the ciy County Ja paed i anent yesterday with Ins wife Tbere should be some summary legal wm open that day. i for some time. and on her the family titution for Sebordinare Councils which relates to the mid sister- They well beemi a coulee of months br preemie to For selin teatoa, apity to Cho R.
Jane's neffeenve Mg thein 10 Ellould thery hold out It. "Ac'n- Ca4slogneo caO Iss on i od at alma and ultimate Nees Of the Order, The purposee, Monday Edwar3 Melignit up to the ou the Paden cease bad gone into the country, here she now lies after the other roads afford the needed Rana, or at, MITCH Ell, HATE t-, according to Art. 2 are these i delivery-w ck. mieng boy a aways een known agon ofJohn Sout Clark eta N. aii.
Clark-ea 4 si The si had lo form a closer bond metal and sympathy, st me an sos ere Ioni a al 0 ti au a the unca 1 th I t' State's Attorney heed feels justly indignant at timeatione, an aetion for litany damages against as a steady, domesticated youth, fond of tome in emr eammen punnets. llell for etatements in yesterday' Titnes them would, no doubts be su st ained by the UITITERSITY ft i rn'r17'1 and study, and hi older brother could onl come 2 To diseuese iial gallon demijohn of whiska The better he concemen th rt Amite Lideltia to the conelusion that he had in some way met condition and prospecta pissed over to a fellow nanted Pat Clancey, who i way in -which he has conducted ea i with death. He was' now placed in it Yery pe- 3. To deem. such literature and gather inich ba-- made away with it.
The following Ttiesday Mut- Jinn the prosecution of Dr. Earle That paper charges au Panto hr tbe Calumet. affording such formation AO 'shall lead to et dear enderstanding of ligan was arrested, and yesterday WSA3 before eitie haemg been so tooea teet he a aMple opportunities for taannfacturing ourpoees etneez, yen be fattened in this mstittities mbar position be felt that he dare not noeitive aid to tile prisoner's commel. Thie is of all klude, lie witbia nAles of the eine 11...1.474, For Uattilorowa. etc-, othirews Aiallic A 11 te 4 a la telegraph to his father the fact of Milons me, the cl*ttletetiee to be encountered and tbe ways atm Jt Lo yden on the charge of larceny.
Th Llial Da a Lo.U., C. S. Noire Dame. tad. usice us to be used in the advencement of ouz social and vdce ptly herd, when it itas only another of the uuwarrantable end utterly Whoever lave ten yeses will stio them swarming cotitinned ebsence, as the news, in his intellectual rem ei malielomi seserons wch the Tittles has so fre- with induetry.
They will Cructerte-they mils. ANUS REED'S ed ten was ar hat any else ha ail hand in the theft. ti hi fact to mother 's state of health, might affect her fe-, 6. To iabor for the barproyentent and entoymert of nnently made agaihst petering in officiel life. ehould, be a part of our city-what Neer-.
yr it siss-s not-ati. and Deo rth tally, and he mould -nee every mews in he our member, and for the development ut a hither The Justice then John Lyl adjottrued fu hearulg of la Iting aud Cols Doran, ark i to New York of our reet ralroad rm gior eotes the a girls Inds Nes a it E'i -t power of aecertaining what had become of him, bettr manhood womeaot ane arm tiee the ease, and held Mulligan under 8200 bail, and ii. ere' sob z-tano I a et, wink bave defended Lath, state knoll OrOtla than. and the Baltimore A Ohio Itill Velee'ensaireAewr tie' a li se a nla a- before letting them know anything about it Ae 5. To advauce the came of education among our IStitted a wan-ant for t.
wrion a pnpi 4 seen tett. thn arre8t et Clane-J freely that the coil adopted by soon. make fifth. They are all vdtbin little eUl. Nena-ratidolara will et Se cordingly he went to Tee Tunne office slid left te 0 a-r1 but ol i selves, and to provide for instruction in such depeett Mulligan is a your, ni a el offal' der pt.
ete whim macaw, an item asking, for information of his brother, To di Satin-day, Adellati heard that awaiting identification. With a heavy heart he visited that place of death, fearing that in the corpse he mieht recogrdze his miming brother. meets of knowledge as our internee item require. 5. minish he antagonlm bwen a teeteapital nd tion abant One a boy who bad rights, and a east share of life's necessities.
8. To promote comperative effort, both productive an-1 distributive. he untn lie has only been week out of His ch the House of Correc- alices are twett certam of returning there, or to a Worse place. fellows who are charged it the Meeting ei twenty-five homes. were held to the Criminal Mx.
Iteed iu Ina -n" jurors and eitueeses WS.4 such as to completely upset many of their people's side of the case was masterly in every sense erne. responsible or the Th -b1 editor More than half an hour of tbe city. Chicago will oboe menu has already the commerce of the Ic Ortilweet AD eteessE Oe. da SILVA factored goods, thus givieg her the undistmted Ateeitettee ewe" eerseaebe Or br 141er" i're -----e which appeared in Saturday'!" paper. labor, and to secure to each man and woman equal best-laid and most clterished plans, and as law- within her grasp.
It le only thirtinstryen years pa yers, suede from their connection with the do- since be became a Mtn and lotig before thirty- -f e- IIIRee. ALEN. IntatADFattla Dna mismelatimons. i orrnarly liars. Ogden 1-1-tdsuan) i- nee et.
Frenele end been thownedirt the lithe, we lying at the Morgue no discourage all attempt to temper the liberty- ledee at his management of "van Yearn mem blow Peerted away she wiu James Brady and Mcelale. the lenee' acknclw 0 that the ates With sermon Boarding-Nerves fer lower Ladies and Chit. of indtuary. supply a half a score of St Miele ramie- area, 1 7 West Thirtaaetelath-et-, N. I-.
sPsrls Scud- ti- the Tunes atoned in a measure for the injurv by control of the largest and the richest poTtion of Tvp wit. 9. To remove tet ctmintlitine delatee and Conrt by Juetice Attstin, yesterday taoraing, iu 46 1. He looked upon the body, which was that of a hindrances' to the administration of justice in the ending one of Lis chief writers to Mr. Reed the ITAl016 laws the etam of each, on tire cheeses.
---e---. Beneenteo sMinoL FOR YOUNG LADIraa. The 7t. stranger, thinking no doubt that some one was of the land le with an apology. It appears that bubordinatea I k.
this boy 1 he lo acquire the letil 1 erre of lira. itryan SeboAl ouninte-Mos tot 'zmttetir 00 mg for la an exper encing its was ace re Power to omelet any epecial Marguerite O. Soch, of No. 247 Carpenter were eaterely to blame in the matter. s' SIII3UREAN NEWS.
er 4. batavta, 111- April Ly 0374. the deepest eorrow that be mime not. Monopoly which may threaten IMP induetrial interests, Street, appeared before Justice 'Fee ROTEL ARRIVALS. WASHNOTON itioes Woud yes- tn.
11,1.2 A girl living in the vicinity of the artesian whether in legislation, transportation, or commeree. torday and declared upon her milkman oath that reenomt llotose-L. D. Chapite to lloy, N. Y.
At the meeting of the Board of Trastees Mon- IILISS Anna C. Brackett School wed now re orted that when the two brothers We can gai-a i worldng methods, in discipline and II It in the con trol of the two fundamental and bat he was not generou enougn Victor or si" the father of her unborn ebibl a 'Tames 11 Be debe' Philadelphia Curtis, St A eay eveuing, the report of the Road Coram Wt Thl i eon lee ghee to eserstitathi Pet Il ato ing puae luntLd Nee 'rl41. e-d Ebenetein drove into the quarry TI, se --ure- functions of soeleta me, election and dietribution to acknowledgouis aymon, Charles City I owa annenuu D. pear open Oct I numbr of boar odpi ni em work done to the 1110-0Unt of 0230.19 eight. Oircuiars sent on apple-anon.
and were both drowned, she eaw a third person only through ortatileation Ifs in ten Years, the voied the fact; therefore she propoeed to compel him J. Cliambeilain and wife, Boston A. II. Mor- A in the wagon, who bad On a straw-hat. As Milon of the ardigntened workers nu reformers be nos the to mama.
A warrant was teemed for Hole and risen, St. Joeeph; II. P. Wvaiat. New York.
Iva" ar-eePtecl D. tillwell aeeured the grading of PARENT'S AND GUARDIANS. arrested and brought before the Justice own Andrus wore a hat of that doecription, Adellan voice of the nation, the la nit will be their be was sheemen um eleyer Fond du Lac Oak street at 75 Cents per rod. The bills of Th School aad College Directory 'entail's vainble in notieng but at once came to the conclusion that his brother division and want of organization can de- who held him under 500 bonds for his appear- Ia Bailey, Connecticut J. Fulton.
New calvert, st21.50 and Clarke, formatami outioersing Soissolo. Ootopited as feat such a result. To insure success we earnestly rtsue, -were or- or tne nee ot parent-. Sant tree. T.
C. Pmeele. lay at tee bottom of that fatal pond, where see- ies morning solicit every worker's name on the roll of the sover- Datum, York F. A. Whitney R.
McKinney dared The the pat a repor was ac- EY. Bennett it inkling, New York. era have given up their lives already this sum- Memo of Industry ie. a. AVERT, M.
D. Preseienta I Kli dairyman con 1 osepb en, a al a A ame Ine ice Detroit E. A. Dexter, Black River, N. Y.
i E. Se. canted, and referred to the Fmance Committee. Peckit eill tN. Irei ilitary Academy.
Nothing would how satisfy him but drag- el South Chun street, Chicago. Van't Wond yeeterday that he had been swindled Fomeroy and Vie O. Witson, Wasbington follows Beceipte, ging the pond in order to recover the body. For Il. It.
Ames, out of fifty-nine cans of gennine, unadulterated Pabner Them31 e-. re Be li ford. S. N. 11101Itall 37; disburse New Buildiria said tine tanasium anuittleted.
Send It was as e317.s foe Pietorat taxa aeryear. COL. Lake Freights hours men were at work with 210 North Lasalle street, Chicago. milk by John Anderson, who representing to H. Fisher, U.
S. A. 3 IL Middleton, London ments, 62.48; tale-nee on hand, 259.89-E ENERIG 1 An m. et joliFiRT DONALD. Isi, Principal.
week at 210 for corn to Minato, wini rebate, and their implemenia, whine the crowd looked -11. him that he was in the employ of L. B. Smith. a J.
A. Joyce, St. Louis Asa IL Butts, New York ordinance was read ordering arestatements for ail SEMINARY, FOR-V-OUNCi for torn st eam, to MontreaL Charters To aa ladies Peuetikeepeen, leaches Colima. N. 11.ic on, expecting to see the corpse dragged CUI2IINAL.
brother dairyman of Ellett's, obtained the fiftv- Edmund IL Gelstou, Baltimore; If B. White, delinquent lots on the west side of Prospect ate- coarsest hens' amain sad tine art a siel i ls--Pren Jatne6 Fude Jre Idlest time in mis Intim va. tedertelt arta Oneida, corn throngh; schr Champi out as this te the felt certa ou CRIMINAL COURT. nine cans, disposed of them, and pocketed the Debtor' John Kern, St. Louie.
Grand num from Ninety-ninth to South street. and on speciette. ea ci add rears, reew he was there. Those who knew his babite would Pacific-L. G.
Mason, Muskegon le 31. Deese C. C. WETSELI. Principal and lborne- The case of Thomas inm-phy, for larceny, was proceeds for his own pereonel Upon In- the east side from Pearl to South.
G. Nesse' China, corn at Pnordt Co barge Colo say He Viluigt be there. If he is not, where tux, New Orleans- Judge David Rorer, L'utling- HINIC AT. NGFNi W8 8mbIrd' t-'4rY of Pante a Montreal-Prop be 11 So for a long time they worked, continued until the September term of the ti nirv he ascertained that Anderson was not in J. Sanders, and U.
Martin, were a treed the A tail, corn an private terms. can the employ of Emith, and was acting as his ton Biebop the flora D. M. Kelley le, A 1 the Iletsswelaer rilitucte GIMP, Alec-meas. Liquor licenses were unued to Mr.
lastruetiati verz prittit, Advantaaas onntroatumal it were obliged to Cottrt. and A. E. Elmore, Wisconsin C. D.
Gorham, Erie Cern at Total, 9 capacity, 18,000 bu until, for want of success, they (Snalth'e) agent in the business without anthori- Witicholetr and G. Delp, and the Board ad- i. Sn CrraduateS ont em. stroanont possitesso. gni 250,000 bu corn.
detest still the feeling prevailed that he lay at Williem MeNanus pleaded guilty to the charge ty. Anderson was arrested on a warrant and Superintendent P- 4 Pi W. 1-1- L. hevk, journed. epees Sept.
IS- for that Anmsal Its-fitter woo, nos the bottom of that pond. of Mr. Warne re ti the contraetor of the Grad arceny an was reman brought before the Justice, wee continted he Cinenutati the Hon. Sylvester IL Lallin, Ste proved 4.4..)nrei Of anti foil pardiataars whirest ea Pito'''. Diva WAY Direetor.
Vesk a ela Passed Pert Heron. The undecided question in Adellan's mind wee, hearing till Tueeday, Aug. 4, under baiL Louis R- and wife, New York- School Inulding, has the exeavating done DWARDA PL and is a ACE itteilOtelle-FOR-Bors Atieti 4 Frecial Vivaldi to los Clew-ale Tteitiereo. "should he telegraph to hie parents His The cases of Patrick Dugan and Herman 4, busy with his foandation-walls. All the rough young mon.
Milert. testate its Sah Nat Halso Hien, July Joe Conch, father ought to Meow of Milan's absenee, hut Yager, indicted for assault with Intent to do Helen Swanson who lives at No 233 North .1. ANNOUNCEMENTS. so the a year Sept. 22.
Ma per imunt'a. bur catarsiaaa prepare a ne le on groan' tniittgfern, limns Mott, 0. C. Trowbridge, Neliie the part must be kept from his mother. Finally, bode Halsted street, iii soon to become tbe mother of 45 puees eir Coliege, Stnereide Rebnol or 4 nee, se Lawrence, J.
N. Foster, Vanderbilt, Porter, 1 injury, were on motion granted a confine a lett 'bile a 1 ti te int There will be a ladies' temperance meeting to- Work is proereesing very favorably on both responin 4., an anus la an a I LA.4.:.K. Alt.attiate he decided that as long as nothing was knoen -4 femme; prom oolorado, Jarvis Lord, Fountain City uance. is the child of Joen Alaekeon, alias InOrroW at 3 O'clock in Grace Methodist Episoo- churches, Sneak oa the gradbag of bimety- 'N A etewoor, INTSTITI2TE FOlt you na LA 101 Pro Wee schr Menterem there might be some hope, an woud wai Eg; Dows-p ms; hlt a Seuthweet, with rain. little longer He might.
perhaps, eearcbing, Th Grand returned indictment rury reurne an inicmen against eme- John Brown, a stair-builder i bo lives a No- pal Church. fifth street. .1. 1. Piteld, Maws.
Wids-IY ktaawn file its tate adr5e- ,1 'Ihe B. I. P. R. R.
Co. are petting In cross-na tapes for literary anti art and the but of 1 335 West Randolph street. Aeackeon denied I I roar HURON. July find some further clew to les mysterious disap- A. Anderson, the South Side ineendiary, A meeting of citizens ef the Tenth Ward wi ll Inge at Ninety-fifth street, and there is proepect Prract iaL location.
Address oc. C. SP lt, 1 A afar l'. H. Keteham, oswegatchim teraves mith mite pearaned charted with setting a 3-foot candle under 1 the charge so emplunically that Mike Swaneon be held this evening at Wales Hall, corner of of a handsome brick depot az that point.
le ISS BUI-ELle'rft---- BOARDING AND DAY-: i tent eche accitie. e. hs, seem Sunday the news of the rearch came to tbe a da, eat to Justice Aren't Wou yeti app an me school, ter young ladies, as Tarenewieteettle-thal 'i uletPre'e eey'l ears of a little girl named Emma Ballard, who The Eethauy Church ladies' sociable will Occur ee Crest. reo Se e. 1 his dwelling on Portland avenue His case will requested a warrant issued for the stair-build.
Adams and Halsted streets, for the purpose of sun wie pen ta. I i tint evening at the residence of Cp ititrin at He be tried after that of Staaden, next week. er'ti arrest, in order that the Juanita might de-- receiving the report of the Committee appoint- at- 7 -e---gr mouND SCHOLARSHIP. 1 I imer-south, moving fresh. eiectreled the community by simply maying Amex PARK.
ciao whether or not her babe ehould be ushered at reepecHad. manly demeanor, 'i has gone with my brother to work on the rail- THE POLICE coliaTs. ed to draft a plan for a Citizeute Fire-Pataol A very enjoyable lawn party" was given at eselleer Onaaes3 Cevelopmenti into this world of sin and sorrow without know- road. They left the city Thursday morning." eohn Lam was afternoon At YONKEns mr-LIT iiie Lars ii. CT far awes.
i Illinois eir, Michigan Canal. nag to whom it was indebted for its existence. The usefulness of steam fire-pumps on tug River Park Neednesday evening in the beautiful Mrsen, Bovi No. Andrus end his family are highly re- in the act of robbing the eels of William Eck- ereands fronting uce of Hunt. Tenney -----'------e II BRIDGEPORT In" July p.
Aiackson was arreeted, and gave bond in the boats will receive a trial to-day. One of CarAt frot the regele -e --c ne who 1' limauk, Lockport be corn Gracie 5,874 cie Griswold, neighborhood el epected in the ere resides es bardt at his lumber office, Canal and Fulton um of 4500 for his appearauoe to-day before the of to tanitg0 Ao l'acut Li, now rendes RAILROAD TIME 1 5,000 bu corn Metropolis. Chillicothe, the statement of this girl was received with in- streets. He wart held to the 6th of August in .1 li "I to tb 't etaxwell's pumps has been placee on Capt. Co en at this point.
several ladies and gentlemen thhheddde eeed corn deed. re it alas C-tallieothe, 5,000 bu corn tense relief, and conjectures of the reason that e700 Pail yesterday by Justice Scully I Romeo, teem itte cor Burr Oak, Chilli- prompted him to take such a step took the place ma 5,000 bu corn Champion, LaSJAle, 6,000 bu Borden of mourning for his probable fate. Adelan cent repaired to the Sunerintendent for information clued viltuetr eetrelStlear IL yohangen ou osed of the following of-' intuit has a father in the sf the defen JUKE-MO sp per ou a this morning at the foot of th fenders yesterday. John Simons, a vagrant ant. tug L.
B. Johnson, and will be tried at 10 o'clock from the city were present. who, along with the ARTLIV A elonroe street, in party from the village epent a very de lightful AL presence of the Board of Fire Commission- evening. Nn EEPARTUIR faste Mohawk Belle, Rankette feeder, 10 re peddler, $10 Eliza, Scott, drunk and disorder ers ly. I ureter-- Board of Public Works, and the Mayor.
The new Presbs-tenan church at this place is 1 intable tee lath messenger, Kankakee feeder, and found that bis tame trail registered as one Mention has been mede of a mnriemns as- ranitily approticlaing completion. It is now abont Mee ieet lumber. of the employes of the railroad. 10 James Sullivan, dmerderly (stole some The benefit of John Delon occurs this even- mann having been committed Thursday night of tweloeea, ane ain be ready foe occupancy 'in PEPLAIlarOIS OF Itenerweweei elutes-me Rammer, baneb all ticliets), 15; and Henry Smith, drimk, the Academy of Music and to-morrow wepted. Sunday ezeeptiel.
I Monday excepted. ex- Barattemta truly in 30. nterms- The most probable reason yet given for his ee. last week by Kate Harnett teon a girl med mg a -n0 Mr. John W.
Blaiedell will have hi nye baner at OM; a. in- i their. Per soil Paul, Ottawa, 5,800 bu corn Montana, mode of procedure is that the boys who were go- 'a' Jennie Qualey, at the dutreputable lodging even' letta, tee te emu industry, Morris, 6.9o0 be eorn ing out on the train met him in the street, and Three ads. Philip Lynch. aged 14; John Mote No.
92 West Madison street, owned by l'atrick Prot J. W. M. Langston (colored), President THE CANAWATI LUVIcil rITEREST Peilinsa WATIR, 61900 tin corn Gen- shereteu bete' le company them that it was risey, aged 14, and Alfred Wright, aged 15 years, M. Laugh persua un accompany clin, bgniversit at achiu Wge.
i Elk CDC lit torn Maple Leaf litirdsbridge, 4,200 bu and that upon bein rouht be- of the Howard tn will OTTAwm Jedy lumber convention cora; Montag Light, Ottawa, aim bu corn, Georgia. he t. et for the cars to go out andif he went nese tune were before Justice Scully yesterday morning fore Justice Scully, she took a change of venue deliver a lecture on re Equity Before the Law, VICSIGAII WESTER DIM Cad to corn Frederick, Li entee tau der the charge of stealing el3 front Um men- to Justice Austin who held her under e200 bail at all he could not notify his brother who is em- under at McCormick's Hall, Satutday evening. is in session here attended by large til 'h r. te of re ihwet root it, iwk, ote.
Jost et lisetteeirt.ol. cm; Lily, bu ployed as clerk in a tea storm Actirg upon the ey-drawer of Mr. Tummy, No. 08 ee est Lake for her appearance before him- on the 30th inst. Is evenmg a gran a will at be given On h' cl ball delegates from various parte of Quebec and 'ticket 67 lark of titast444Phs nernat-Monfauk, Lockport, 5,560 bu wheat impulse of the Moment without any thought of street.
Lynch plead guilty, and was held, with Yesterday the case Was called, and was on trial the North- 8ide fememnce Hall, Huron ison Ontario. The Hon. John Hamilton. of Hawkes- 75 1-at corner of )lad Yuan 2,705 feet lumber, commerce, Joliet, the sorrow and trouble he might occasion, and his companions, in OW bail to the Criminal before that tribunaL In the exatudiation of Crrir-e. street, between Clark and LaSalle, the proceeds bury, is President, and Mx.
Lord, of Hula I 1 S-ail flea ember Gen. mccierient Joliet 6'5 in bun- probably thinking he had a chance to earn a lit- Court. some twenty wttneseee to the affair, a bd dh filf Secretary. A resolution was adopted matt (via male and air bees. lia 1 ter 1 tie money, he at once consented to go with them.
Jimmy Smith the fellow whom it is alleged second row ware imin ment in the Court to evote to purchase a ag or nion Circle of the hicago Fenian Brother- mending the fotrustiou of the ni oeuon Lam- Day I mpress i meta. mee ttst, e. in. Mime lla It would, however take several bit off the ear of a discharged soldier in a tree ims' work to The rincipals with their witnesses. be- leen ect ta'Al 4 P- a.
in fight last Monday morning early on South Clark 1 eons. hood. The ball, which is got up solely by the brmen Asseiation, and a commitee appoint- p. 111 ik ,,00 a- es defray the expenses incurred by Ins brother in coming enraged with each other, swore cinema. voune ladies of the North Side, will be made ed to draft a constitution and by-laws.
Niatint 'Eleven. 1-9 sp. au i'i-ti atea. go. Capt.
L. MeGraw, of this ct endeavors to find him. Pe and ty, received a dispatch Yonne rsons his street, was yesterday acquitted of the char lute attractive an those who a ten of with such rapidity that it would have taken attend al cer- ta. A 2 tk.ND Ali; sat. li steteday informing hm i that ids Vse esl, the schr old ones too are sometimes very cruel in their mayhem by Jusce Boyden as there Watt no en-- me nen ele rea a reporters to keep tarnly be afforded much enjoyment ROCIIEFCRT'S CCCUPATICII.
I Iorniae elle a. ot. Veer p. re. lei; Ear-asses.
9ite p. nt. I' ta. ta Beime at de TradeMad sprung a lel: and eimk in 13 thonglitlesanessa evidence that he was the guilty person. up.
Finally. or with thort po assietance of- the attend- water 5 miles en, N. W. of im cm cut The aiey-pouel near the artesian well is ing Coustablee, order was restored and the trial A a new divieion of the Sous of Temperance Nzw You, July London letter says i ilneele C. Lie Erie.
The Board of Trade left thiport, city on the known quto be a very dangerous place So Much so The following offenders, were disposet1 of yee- progressed -The evidence in the caeo fixed the will be instituted this evening at the hall of "Itochefort's work is going on at a good pace. General Paeoragatt Agnats 1414 loaded with 23,000 bushels of corn by Lyon, that if a boy or young man in that neighborhood terday in the Nortb-Side Police Court: John aseaule es a murderone one, and the prisoner Union Park Lodge, No. 619 West Lake, between If you visit him at his hotel you are likely to CHICAqn et.VON leer co and consigned to Eruce, chambers ie 1,11411111 the pond is the first in every Adams, desorderly. 50 Henry Strassuer, druuk was held over to the Criminal Court in bonds of ood and Lincoln streets, at 8 o'cloca. All old find hi hico icerscs Cif and Drmiper Line.
rim ift ettstr 1 (4. al Menlo. Her cargo was valued one mind, an ued at about and disorderly. 50 Dan Beckley, desorderly 500 His attorney, le Feeue; who became members of Tabeacle and Beacon Light bus as in surrounded by tomer five me, goan ow Sprit.vt.114, 4 Woe owl 14. Lovett 'rt, ti3OR and the litoi at ea which there ia an no twithstanding the dew It is situated it is yrn se himself It is not difficult to rereessn.
imam Jima. Weet za4c. me Stslasaos-or. all A te5 immure of on the hull, aud on tee a favorite resort for bathing. ted in i amen, Cutler disorderly, and a vagrant, her bondsman.
when first arrested, for her ap- Diviaions, and friends of the cause desirous of (' met guees the intended deetination of his writings. ia 'a 4a ai "P4 aaa 1Jiwittiol -aa 1a- I tee The were sav an old stoae-quarry where the stone hall been ed. Rbert Willims a dmorderl --5. a 10 John pearance before the Justice yesterday, refused joieing the new organizatiou which it is in- but of the me ens by which they are to reach it 1 Loons I Arm's. Smith city -Mere were only two or three hnnber at dug out, and the pond is said to be the result of violation ordwance reardni 0 welehts to stand good for her appearance before the tended to make the model division of the State, 4.
not be prieeelt to say much." ti bedeck yetterday. But few vessels came in during i of a spring in a seam of the rock. To the water and measures, e3 and Edward Chrwtion, deter- Criminal Court, and, in default of bell, ehe was are invited to meet tee GraudOilleers, -who have Kansas Clry and reenmee Past Mee leen no 1" 2 eti rt. At taL The weather was very rough all daln and oc running -from this spring there is no visible out- denim 5. committed to a gloomy cell in the County Jail eignified their intention to appear in full forte 'Te Beet Search ea, Kadtkat City Pawed4-- it Vita p.
ye- I lite a. nu at. LGIne glad 1 lia-pcos an is a. so- Ale to tie Yazd as contrary as could be. h.
let, but the knowing ones say there is an under- George Williamson, of whom mention bag eat upon the Gloss Starch anti Duryesee s' Ine. Et Louis East Ex A a ni 7 i-se a. to. 1 i I -The prop Merchant has not yet been raisenbut tive Duryeare Satin via Jectritmvele Ilitue p. a.
te. Souseumpti at work es her yesterday trying to current which is not visible on the surface, been made as haying shot at Martin Mann in GENERAL NEWS. 9 a- si, 1 tn off. Every compartment of the hull la full of and ties undercurrent le fatal to any living ther i boarding-house, at No. 145 Archer avenue, The temperature yesterday, as observed by is.
SOUTH CHICAGO. proved Corn starch 11 is the beet in the world. Wee it t'll nngtle ld "Pre boringsaid isaat Esteems 7 in, a. nu ri amen' her cargo has been thrown overboard. thing coming in contact with it, which a few nights ago.
was on trial yesterday before Man es optie' under the Temerts Building, eul'eedaY a small party of ladies and en- MOS and you will IMO no city prpr4-ws. p. ro- 7 tra Poona, Keterne a Berlinetoe awe a. In. lip.
FaSEWHERE. makes it extremely dangerous aS a bathing Justice Boyden, and the evidence showed that tlemen made a visit to South Chicopee-a trip it AlrewAreze, June 15, using Duryeasi chetah vedette ihiemee Fe 9 ,4 .4, in As 1 lewd pens have Put out, ere wood firee ha mieht- place and accounts for the inanYesSes of drown- both parties were to blame, and therefore they was, in a shade, at 7 ne, 62 deg. Fehr. starch bri my hoteleaundry for ten months, I curt ree. Taxon.
4 raa ta ea. 2 p. M. Ind navigation is again unobstructed by smoke. -la 10 76; 12 3 p.
87 6 p. 84; IA necestary to make ti if requen one won ommend it as being the wbitest, atrongest, and most Joliet a Dinstit Acoammodation. i 413U el eat a. ra, 1 that occur there th The danger may be esti- were fined el5 each, el placed under e950 de ea an ace bon di prop Dromedary sprung a leak on Lake On--, keep posted in regard to the improvements mak- glossy Mame 1 can temente 101 Wad has gone into dry-dock at St. Catherines.
mated when it is known that the water in Eome each to keep the Peace. and 8 n. in 83. in that wide-awake suburb. The gentlemen Promietor Newhall Rouse.
teelenerl. Atettelleetee Peet. Rettettle -The sehr Gerrit Smith, which arrived yesterday places is from 12 to 15 feet in depth, au this leg Justice Esufmarin yesterday coninued the ol- Mr. A. .7.
Scoville is making arrangements for r'wkwle retort, ilif.eti.rire amanos-ot s- sistieso meta lost her fore-topmast in a puff of -wind treacherous under-current forms a maelstrom on Lobe, arran were the Hon. J. V. LA Moyne, Jesse White-. Ohl Clerk-te opposite itlierotee Howe.
PINK( ot lowing caEes i Herman oe, threat 50 0 a trial of steam-b il ors taring the next exhibi- os; and Organs to Ben snit allies off this poit Innen the meet fen it a small scale which cannot be resisted. Horses head, C. Rs Lambe James Morgan, and E. Pian A "Lite eftrrYnlit it away at the "me lanie- Sell as men and boys are drowned there, as bonde, td1 Aug. 4 the same me and Au e- non Exposition at th Eiti Building He has at-- of ger riot inetrummits to 1-4e 1 (1, th 1 di Plendid ame(irtmen Pe ee 1 -mem Timea 271A.
th atstein brothers with liner Delimit, adultree, 500 bouds each, till a metre to the su 1 i of his boiler tache pp ilubbar with their a es. rant et from el to $12 par month, and MOsej Pe as A Prairie dui le' 14 elle loaded with lumber, when about Witne88 the loss en i Alle 4 Pat Tally, aseault, 300 bonds, till to- aria, The first landing from the cars of the Illinois rent deducted ff purchased. Lyon Ittoelye State Chien. Mail- 81:0 a. mh tetta.
au their team laet week. 11 persons wil persist in 0- ette above Lexington, Saturday night, capeized, and will each day weigh out a certain amount of day; Rudolph Gerhiade aseault, tithe bonds, till an Central railway waa made at Wild Wood. the and Monroe streets. Newswire, Greets Bert Stevens' teed ashore There being no sea the vessel will not plac at iug their lives in jeopar that fatal spo of Most Aug 5- Peter Anrien, assault, $300 bonds, till fuel of different kinds. In this inamter he will Point, en Paid A lantree.potei.
1 I i ittetry injury. Sunday her bands were at work the matter in it is time the authorities too residence of Col. James H. Bowen- Here they pay 2 it. ra.
I IV a to4 to-morrow buoy Frazer, riot, 300 boucle, till a hien which coal is the best Milwaukee, Greer" Bay. sterene I emeihe himber on shore. They will probably save hand and placed a guard around it, prohibieng and ttliden took the steamer Florence, and had a most Pianos for Cash. A 5 Ph Dalton. assault, 400 bonds till Praine du Chien.
A dee the gitizens from entering in Au Iv ose, n- i boiler produces the greatest amount of steam beautiful ride some 3 miles down the Calumet, A few ffistraments that have been rented and but Worth-era leata. Mail 4500 7 enema. -et Buttler litmday morrdng, the boiler of the tug Aug 5 and Jolla Vogt szsault 300 bonds, is with the least amount of fuel. As several other and, turning to the right on the Grand Calumet little need can be bought at need's Tempe. 91 tswirPttu.1,..t Mini T.
LaMeatelew up, seriously damaging the tug but to-day till makers iaterid to cempete, the trial Itill be nearly att ler, tame to a bed of the most magrntl- Von Borett street, at the very loverset panic priee tt. keen le yea, there was no persou on the boat at tiEugene Miller was brought before Justice cent flowers that the party bad ever beheld, here er the tan The Blehn was 2 years old, and was regard- spirited. fleneele yetTett Pentitlan. ee it' Boyden Wednesday for swindling a countryman, or elsewhere. Here were some 2 or 8 acres el it eaten solid craft.
Her dimeliatOlia were 44 Perot tea et LeO. soil froos ag. TO.q.lyat900311-41C,, nebill, feet In lergth by 12 feet beam. Fifteen tons was her and fined $30 and sentenced to the Bridewell for Wednesday of tide week the Young Menet of the --------eseweem Offeee. Di tootado4pa-44.
beer Ciark. measurement, and she was veined at t4.000. There ninety days. Yesterday morning another one of Christian Association Employment Bureau gave WOTP-21AW HOOLEY'S THEATRE. 1 Leery.
Arrow. bu "8 elatartelea here The suudell ll will be these thieving loafers, named Frank Slavin, work to thirt yesterday la dull men; yes er uemees was al al in full bloomma sight that stirred up sdi I lkseed at once. was dragged before the Justice, charged with th botanical enthutimem of the party to the TIHS MIDAY St. Loots ie 't a. m.
e- p. m. vmDTG, juLy 3a at. Lome Isett Eine io eat, to. ra st.
nis a wat Lumina. Me John Wilson has built a little having eindled a "greeny" named Albert rr and applicants were less fortunate. The Bureau Itighest pitch of excitement. The remit grows Calm A New Orleana Ex Pita lit HI i en stemervelled the 41 Little Fraud," said to be the Dodge out of a small amount of currency- There has never been better able to furnish good help hue the white and yellow pond lily Gnune and En and some eithusiestie Success of Or New ate-ea a re i' 7 ::41 a re millet 'teener on the lakes The Little Fraud is 15 Ptoriatt Eeakaa Ex. a I a.
to. 11 na. I. lta tea etel 4feet main 2 inch bore WAS Some doubt as to hie guilt, but he Was fined than at the present time. botanists ISM it with them among Nymphseas engine is le Dubuque laimix City-gx 9-a'.
a. rt. a' Id 74 bieh stroke; boiler 24 taches loug and 12 es on general principles. The bail in the carte of Nicholas Staaden, the ee cit bat the tv at hand call it the Din rn THE i Al GI; Aki.lrili COLIPL Tiy. thibuoue A eioux Cita o.
DI. 7 en a. no intim in diameter, The smoke-stack ia 48 inches Id fell Station, ow hailing from Fallow Sta on, pereon indicted for eetting fire to his premises el) elumbiu best euthori eciesum. AU agree, however, (a) Gilman i tilao. et.
ea-ate- lgt bait been built On to MOst 1M- 0 that it grows on the banks of the Nile, and it is etleisTRELS, VARLETIES AND DRAMATIC. (a) rams to tanaraPaign olt atiardaYlk in this State. by the name of L. Burr, got, on -North Clark street as fixed at t5000 i Mee Ma, with ateam-gauge, whistle, safetysva lve commonly known as the lotus. Some of the drunk Wednesday aught, and at late hour FORTY-SIX Distinct Special Stars.
CHICAGO. ellelttiOTtet UtIVICY Itartnellil. "Ur-gauge, etc. She has a emeed of about 6 miles in one case and 10,000 in the other. The Ger- tit teect 'cl it all 3 Sal Pet hauled up at one of the numerous houses of man citizens of the North Divieion have recured 'ewes had etudied Deron-aoot or totiwat- sto4 grew in this country onlv on the banks of the ajanste lt from Ottawa to the Detroit Poet says: ill-fame in the southern portion of the city the services of John Mason, to assist the keg Ass O.
Cisirra, THREE DietTL. CT COMPANIES. ova Coma, atii 1 0 h. l. Co.
are laying up forty bargee out of a During the night he alleges he was robbed of State's Attorney in the prosecution of liteedene-- ii Cal t. The leaf generally rail Maumee an tune ne Note the Prices-50 etc, 25 eta, or 51 eta. No extra for st. lirconliticmc iSolci. sad sal drools.
"6 fify-tw. They contracted in the epring for MI5 in curreneyi oa on the water is round, and from 12 to 18 and a check for $300, which he that distinguished, individual having bintself re- tr securing. Lestoe- A mire th4tralopirtt ation of 84,000,000 feet of lumber, but they niches in diameter, with the stem in the cen I amily Matinee to-milorrow di eTURDAYM MO'- I 'lade pet any more than 25.000,000 of It. John had drawn on his banker at home. On.
this Mined Thomas Shirley, Esq. from 8 to 10 feet long reaching down to the DAY, THE woo leretetelia CARthes. Mae and Prpreee et a. sP. 1:40 p.
su laying up a tow of eight barges. George cliarge a girl named Leua Curtis was arreeted, Onlitib II awl cooreator Paweager V-an a. la. is. Yesterday evening about 7 o'clock on State mud.
The flower is on a similar stalk is a del-. Dubuque a btottl, Cay loan la al. a 4 aiii p. se, Itall sill lay up eight barges reds week. Hatton and yesterday brough before the South Side street, between Monroe the horses cream icae olor and, as, lk 3 OF MUSIC Pacine limit Line, tor Om ai ti 'IJaili a.
to. i' 3 all p. tatie Co lay up one steamer and a tow Of Police Court. After ber Burr found WS btwe Mroe and Ada in some ces at least 6 Saussa City, Leavenworth! Ati attaehed to Car No. 2 of the Archer avenue line or 8 inches in diameter The capsule is broad -I ems se econ as they return from the preeent trip.
money. but the check was gone beyond all hope Beichert. To-NIGHT of the pooubtr faronta ecztiatiton a se Jompe Etio rteen in. p. ne became detached the pin holein the whiffle- and Bat on the top, with many man entices a Express In a.
m. 7:15 a itia luNgnehtoil has over twenty barges. while the OI recovery. He telegraphed his loas end wets iregen offered are per for ew sto thereon. The charge aeainst tree CO ppe pa lInno out.
They ran south an collided surroun ed ye ow own. 11 It is thickly our- jOHN DILLON! A urc'ra 1 In-. In Ai ent 'eta, tea wa Streator Pala 4i," it. in 9-54 a. tia.
tat. with Hack'No. 26, belonging to Bennis McCar- rounded by stamens with golden anthers the the girl waa chauged from larcener to diserderly When will be presented a Grand Double Pill- Two A ears Peewitter a-50 p. m. a east a.
Ire and she was fined 4-010. thy, in front of the Palmer House, breaking and whole forming one of the most gorgeous of sow- dramas. HOME 1,51 THE Waria', sled 4)11, Aurora Iwo la. ra.110 a. et, splintering the pole and starting ins horses.
ere. No wonder the ancient Egyptians and iii. es GOT IT BAD. Dulitame At SiouieltY Eth-- P. a.
al. a i Mr. J. SULLIVAN win recite Exp, Kg ()meba tle ita 't 7 'Li p.111., a. Irt A fellow named George Swanson sneaked into Both teams were captured at Monroe street Chinese made it one of their sacred emblems, (by pa tgcula ther re ue I) the new and beautiful poem ent.i.
Kansas Cur. Losastenworin. the Grand Paoifie Hotel yesterday and, after withent further damage than that received by for even a modern botanist would almoet wors 1.1, orb'pRit; 01. chinon. ht.
Joreots Ern p. ve 1,15 a- as- ett ins breakfast attempted to steal ging 'ff McCartliv's hack ship i. Lincoln o-morra it lig jolts 35--woue (nom a zcostmooattml IS Iv a. .1 2 et in. hk It has been suggeeted that the Lin BLALaDELL.
IPO 'PG-rove A torsionln, I. a- ra. 'Id the tai desk and without wa, ng up ap a es a THE TULE ENGINEERS. Park Commintionent should devote biome little Downer's Grove A-ccontategationt 6 all p. na-j 7 ita a.
fn. settling therefor. The clerks fix dead-beats like The New York Bulletin of the 2.8th says; nook in. their lake to the cultivation of this MCOORATIO re andaYe. 'Mr- falaeraill.
lEe. m.Thda, HALL- --if, -s-- plen Swanson by etanding about a dozen of the boys The next National Convention of Fire Engineers will edid plane and the recommendattion is of the house in aline, and causing the sneak to be held at St. Louis in the course of a few weeke. Azi, heartily seconded. At this season it we Id form CHICAGO WORIll'eteSTERI ItirttrIll.
run the gauntlet, and, after having made it opportunity will be offered there to present perma- a great attraction, which citizens and strarwers IttiMOril-LTIRJM re tito 5 on Mime in Cierit-st. 4 Sh.stswoo- isolossei; wed 14 pretty lively for him, then send him down to the nently, before the public any team', invention, device, would be delighted to see. de, Career AndisenAt South-side Police Court 41 a vagrant where he or improvement, looking to the prevention of fires But the main object of the gentlemen wee to PROF J. LANGSTON (mimed). President of HOW.
Loses. 1 a- ard University at Wasetunatait. D. wdl here. we trust that opportimity yrill be tin- is duly dieposed of.
Bovden fined Swanson $10, eterew in iner on see for te eemetvet it, study bus and inees ea- deriver ins Lecture on Pasitielfast ..............4 le ele a. te le m. proved, and the resun oe I pti, a tsitsseque soy t.a. eta Ca ntPa i JaI p' 46. re-; P.
m- which he did no mind half as mach lt will aa the roten not only for Chicago, but all other cities A the pacity of ft Lilt beim tit CI --'s1-: eee EQUALITY EEFORE THE Express -ate -40 p. A a. tn. warming he received in the MOrning. national convention of the same body, at Baltimore.
TUB setererze tn. ate 'I. V14 it' Va 1 r' William Efatheway, of Monee, Ini, came to the ti all last year, it wit' be remembered, two important sug- and its surroundings. These are prae AT McCORMICK IIALL, i'reetaert la'ahlut us Express- a ila a. at.
a p. city Wednesday, and in the evening fell in with geations were made looking revention kin to These without limit. It is 15 miles from the rapids a Preepon A P1, p. m. a a- ni.
er Clark and August 1 1274. at a o'clock. 110 al il000keo i SCA a. ftt. 4'144 AO a.
lie. were: The limitation or disuse of combustible neer Blue 'eland to the mouth of the river. 4 al owatotee Expreas la in. i' Cale a. au- me ziotorienut boarding-house-keeper, William ee in A dzaiswion.
baceetta, meter' the structure of buildings, and the re- more thee half this distance the river is 4 Mewsitem p. te. 7 ea, ls. 1 MLauh hcglin, and another mare They drank etriction Of the daugers of elevator manages hatch- -1-'' 4 Milkee Pakoienster ts. to- 1 4 tn.
dee browler than the Chi- EPOSITION BUILDING wau freely an when wallcieg on the street Hattie- free ways, awl Kaueards. Second. The isolation 'of each from 13 to 20 feet Gre Ex 1. a er- tag prss a rm. cage River, and of coarte, now that the bar has way felt his pocket-hood going and McLaughlin apartmeat et a building from other apartments.
6 St. Peet seenovi iii p. in. I a. ra 'Nt p- no, '16 a.
and his pal" made off with the money Yes- and of evry uilding from those adjoining been removed by the Govenament, and piers zfzfaa zzt-sr mirm 1,,,,,,................1.7,,, 4 6 n. man, or ay morning Llatlieway met McLaughlin on of by high party wale'. TOO changes here contemplaten constructed at its mouth, it is navigable say for i With SPPlapOPTICON allat'W15 of ea IttS n4 Lessors. a mnch i earner of Wells and KJ-arse-8M bsence of a nonce- were considered Ini rt i anus' Involving trum, 11'8 8 Mlle or more, for the largest vemels on we by Mr. tit STAVg, ItEal A as.
else, Illabutes DON ne m. 1 Madison street, and, in the too they de, a conlemplated revolution in the whole eve- lakes. The depth on the upper half of the Mete AND HAIGFa. reoi a ftemorm and owtootOorner rod stasis-Va. hi th be arrested him and oolh in te sea- tem of warekouse or simile.
tbuildinge, or eeneeeg a river la le to 15 feet, sufficient for all pram vv. il. SI este a. i I Geo. Pass.
Agent tame where Le now reposes. ere was e50 In change of building contrite" hat the Committee Imo PROPOSALS. CtileACO. ROCK ISLAND st PACIFIC RAILR3A1 t. I intironees The anke On this part of the the pocket-book ing ties matter in eharge emggesteri tnet a detailed re- 'Ica -on.
-------e----- ea le, 'tee p.p. el. certseir of Via itt.trra end Si. ovgruatt.ogo. 2.i.,,s, mitt' Me maeting.
The suggess stream are high. and generally bearturauy eseee A shoemaker named Frick who resides at tio eg N. rtn wag to It IS Unneeektaary to add that the wooded on one side or the other It will not be ALTIrilortE 0 ollin Aeries. 1101 State street, before Boy- events which have transpired since that Conventon eve years before. during the summer, steamers 4, den yesterday, bringing with him his son Frank, was in Be8timu will ialPart additthnal is a great point importance with pleasure-parties will ply between the city Lilt, Coasts, temosertwah Ex a.
la. 3 is. la a lad only 12 years of age, whom the father de, future deliberations. Meanwhile. it and these cool, shady banks of the Calumet- Pen' ACConanttottatt011--14 5 p.
tie'. tree a. ta. sired should be sent to the Reform SchooL gained that general attexition haa been redirected to This boy was tried before the Criminal Court the whole aleag with a conviction oe Me pert The whole river preeents a ivharfa*ge front of Purist reogrom. 0 RAILROAD ,,,,,,.,..0.
se- Lt a- ea te Mr a least 30 miles-all that Chicago will need for PROFESZIONAL CARDS. et the ineurauce iu. res omunsituntera an- te. a m. some two menthe ago for petty larceny, and, on rued eh must be done beyoze what lumber yards and manufacemcg purposes when e.
that somting Preenside for buildinir Reend-Heesee arathies sad 1 account or nut yenta, was ummargea. billee bah eteesey been accomplished to arrest the wholesale elm becomes a city of 5,000,000 people. i Blitektimut Seeps, the Coat sesta Cottego. wilt be rearmed at then the old gentleman can do nothing with destruction ot property from time' to time throughout The Calumet region has suffered in the good tile Deice ompany, 0-2 a aad tess t-. where masa DR.
A OLTIT him. He stole 5 from his aunt, shoes from his the Gentry which presents itself new tu the light of opinion of our people by 'tag low, swampy ap- and speettleations may leo sine of Aturart. father's shop, and sold them, and is in all kinds a ranee uauonal retroaeh pearanee where the 'Michigan Southern and the te, 'tette p. rt. wr, in Washingtoiese Tee limireet aul Imo I of mischief from morning to He was CASUALTIES.
rItIabIlfg Itailwacs cross it Bat even here all en tete-Pe el talys cor iente in toe toy to the spocial tr.e..,,sent, et sa Cbronse. baryons. and opectulD Inoes. ow held over to the Criminal Court under V200 bail, Yesterday morning, between 7 and 8 o'clock, a it needs is docking, and the dredgings SCALES. Csl tor to ed.
twatiLle 1,41 with the intention of seeding turn to the Reform man. whose name is auppoeed to be Patrick Cox, in frout thrown behind it to make it as good as pe.ate board. 2 sauna 1 schooL His father allowed hint to be coramieted aged bout 30. WAS Mu over and killed near the Chicago pieer was in the early histo- weentem TAIRBANEctl treatme. at by Most 0 icaeo det nit of hail.
tee Thirty-fourth street crossing in a sing of the Michigan the An inspection of the river from ry 0 el ye ISTAMDARD See ltlIfle! -me. Soathern Railroad, by a locomotive. the body Dine Island to its mouth must convince any man in I3 NO I'AY Dr. kiean trt paper mentioned the Tester av morn was taken to the Morgue. that every foot of the 15 miles on either side of fact that John Helmuth, au ex-policemart, had 4 OE A LL SIZES.
3C9 Sat-TII CrlICAGO, Yesterday afternoon a watt, over 30 feet high, it le available for btteiness parposas. uesday night fired a shot from his revolver te be coaiulted, pervocally or bs met. tree therea on SOL-Ill CIEICAGO AraDAzilis. MORSE st a party of yung poop le returning hme iron all that remained to mark the beet where the tee 03 ttli. or o-roryen bit.
J. Y-AN is Lai roviri mach more rapidly than any other iu AND 113 leteieleST. nay obatlasa 1a id" wise warraato rare or we pho dance on that night, and teat for this condact building No-. 340 State street nee stood, liras is imp LJ Daios beat a a. la- to a p.
laiattials nom leo a. a our subtirks, for the reason that mantuao- he WM arreeted on the charge of Oikmmitaing au blowu clown he strong gale trout the south- of IL. i on a temporary frame structure i LOCAL MISCELLANY schemes of the contractors who wished to keep aeeault with a deadly weapon with Intent te kill west. It fell mies ate likely to concentrate there. Above EDUCATIONAL V.
the work back until the tell, so as to secure a and that upon bein brought before Ju ice close by st, occupied as a saloon by Henry Gunder- the Fort Wayne Itallroad rite a town has been continuance until next spring, when labor Kaufmann 0 was held for his appearance be- man, and mashed it to fragments. There were built on the east side the river, within the HitlivrpnInit or Tffirm A 11 ISIYSTRItIOUS DISAPPEARATecrin i 1 1 be obtained cheaper than ever. In the mean- fore bite yesterday. During the day Helmeth several persona in the place, and one or two last few months. A large rolling-mill is ready 2 On the morning of Thursday.
July 23, Hilon time thousands were unemployed, and good me- intviewed the Justice and attempted to bribe were slif4htly The eseate was a narrow gm' --04 44.1solnurlt.- eto oraNto fto 0000-iltak I 04 001,0 Andrus, 11, youth of 17 Year's Of IWO. if4fi Ligi I Hal Ili IV His father a been removed by from 15 20 feet deep, broaer thn the ea Loa. 5,.. freely, and when wanting on the street Hattie- way, Awe seawards. second.
Tee inotation 'oe each tda Chi- POSITION wav, felt hie pocket-bood going. and McLaughlin EXDING. 1, owac wee 5 IP. es. apartmeat to a building from other apartments.
cage River. and of couree. DOW that the bar has Greer. key Express ...0 fo lu tn. I es p.m.
Tee ellen es here nut pat made off with the money. Yes- and of every building from those adjoium tmeraddaisyoum street, and, wt the met a absence elicceLaofu gahplionlicoe-12 hY high party wail. were considered of so lunch importance 1111rOlVir, as 6 St. Pato a INnurna p. sh.
7 a. Ira. fl the Governmen and piers mg-sr Maresette feet te. in, ea a. re.
aii lated oonetructed at it mouth, it is navigable, say for 4 Ise ea i a. ie. mau, he arrested him and took him to the the Inked revolution in tile g' o. a contemp hole eye- sea. 8 miles or more, for the largest veeeels on the bz Mr.
tit'STAVIC Alen, Plabute'l 1)03 aDepot earner of Walls and terve-sta. With sereceoerrocre vinvett oe regret 114 0,1 k'ND ti it a and depth on the upper half of the it--Lietootourner of Canal ad LTA two, where be no reposes. There was ee0 in tem of warehouse or similes buildings. or a neies- Tbe living tv. it SIENNELI Gea.
Pass. Agent change of building contracte, that the Committee hay. river is from 1D to 15 feet, sufficient for all prao. PROPOSALS. the pocket-book.
Dig the matt-er in ehorge imgeeetee teet a detaee- a re. teat purpoees. The banks on this part of the CHlCACO. 80C1 ISLAND It FACIFIe einteeee. esides at No.
i rt I A shoemaker named Frick, who Do be delayed until Me nett meeting. The nuggets. fitreent are high. and generally beautifully no irei ape Depot. corver of Vatit*trIt end ion wag agreed to.
bare tra Is unnecessary to add that the wooded on one th tel II Ls lir Pfle041 044.4 1101 State etreet, appeared before Justice Boy- events wte-ea i a nsp re' since that Coll i he er. It will not be i 12 i tti' 0 0 itit venton I L.Oare i Armee. den yesterday, bringing with him his son Frank, was in sesioon will impart additional importance to its five years before, during the summer, steamers with pleasure-parties will ply between the city Omuta, lesteettw't Ex 1,15 a- In- fillo Keform School. gamed that general atttenion bait been redirected to an a led onlY toe, wthelionethe father de- future debberaticma. Meanwhile.
it is a great potet sired shown these coot, shady banks of the Calumet- Perc Is 5 p. to et. INurni ha prma RAILROAI) o. co. It CoOi o- no This boy wee tried before the Criminal Court the whole subject.
alorig with a conviction oe eke psrt The whole river preeentsnivharfa*ge front of -L' some two months ago for petty larceny, and, on of the insurance iutereet, lire Cemmisomuert and all at leatit 30 miles-all that Chicago will need for coneerned, that something must be done heyoud what PROFESZIONAL CARDS. account of his youth, Wile diecharged. Since bees already been accomplished to arrest the whol al glee Preprostde fer buildinir Renad.ifeeeta Mathis en then tbe from his aunt, shoes from his He stole old gentleman can do nothing with destruction ot property from tirret to time througeshoute and mannfacrancg purposes when es a city of 5 000,000 people. 1., eeps, at (-ninety. will be reoetetei et 71,701 him.
5 the wintry hich resens itself new ba the light The Calumet region has suffered in the geoe tile lintea of the Company 9'4 where piaruk r' ir of 1 -tis 1 campy ape he .1 ti of A Jia.L.Ilip ...1 opan1012 our people I ow, an spec may seen lieu it ague -A OT TIT il father's shop, and sold them, and is in all kinds a Foamy IletiOttal reproach. 4 uthem and the Itt. C. QL.11..,1 of mischief from morniug to night. He was cesteterige.
p. A in. Ter, Ise estile-east. Tee leierest eetreeed eel mast wee Pitteburg Railways cross it. But even here all pearance where the Blichigan teeveel tn brie ta the al over Id to the Criminal al rt 900 ha- Court under had, esterday rni mo ng, between 7 and 8 o'clock a eeds la docking, and the dredgings SCALES La ChreoPT.
beryaaa. and apectatateeneca ow untie the intention of seeding him to the Reform wan. whose name is euppoeed to be Patrick Cox, ctCnar to ieTnaluis opt ethiy cured tol, Ow .,1 Scool. allowed him to be committed aged bout as run over and killed near board. la, tend0ot( ke.
Sere 2 Prompt TA I It A 11. 1 Meet of the Chicaeo Iliyer was in the early bisto- in frout thrown behind it, to make it as good as A 1-1. eabeate at a eat eeseee ey rtaa. in default of bail. tite Thirty-fourth street crossing of the sa Dms STANDARD Nt) CleT it Soathern P.athvad, by a l000motive.
His body Dr. an, Yeterd rnt oser morig paper mentioned the wan taken to the Mreue. ry of the city. Afi'. inspection of the river from Line Leland to its mouth must convince anv man 1 NO I'AY 1 that every foot of the 15 miles on either side of ues fact that John Helmuth, an ex-policeman, had on Tday eight fired a shot from his revolver a wt ver 30 Yesterday afternoon at, feet high it ifil available for business OE ALL SIZES.
369 sarTII CLARKoST CrlICAGO, party of young peopie returning home frern all that remained to mark the spot where the SoCTII CEICAO0 e.e, War be coueulted, pervonally or be zezil. tree ot chAtz 1 at a FAIBe1311.1"L'S" MC1E-SE ac gli tql Et it. J. 15.4N 13 4 a dance on that night, and that for this condact building No-. 340 State street once stood, was is improving mach more rapidly than any otber -7-.
ill LSD 113 LULL-ST. PLesbc4401 ia id" whim IcactillaCt CUroo or los I i he was arrested ou the charge of committing au. blown clown by the strong gale from the south- of our suburbs, for the reason that maturfao- tr.j toL.We Anew. 9 e. eis.
le II p. in. neonate trent 1 tetheS, I TILE CITY HALL. The Committee on, Fire and Water will meet in the City Clerk's office at 3 o'clock this afternoon. The Board of Police met, yesterday afternoon, but did no business of any consequence.
Busse' btdlot at the County Board is kept as a curiosity, and placed on record. It reads, "Four Argeedagd, Curls." Two yoneg ladies went round the City Hal and interviewed the Aldermen upon the subject of raising money for a Bag for the Clan-Na-Gael Society. They interviewed to the extent of 3.75. A party of Aldermen will leave the city tomorrow morning in a special train tendered by the Northwestern Railroad. which will take them out to Pewankee, Wis.
Here tbey will spend their time fishing, and will return Monday in time for the afternoon committee meetings. 'Application will shortly be made to the Board of Police asking them to look after the perfecting of a military organization in this city which could be employed an adjunct to the fire and pollee forces on the occasion of great fires. The Mayor and Aid. Foley both attended the St. George's picnic yesterday afternoon.
A report came round to the City-Hall that the Mayor had been victorious in a sack-race over ten competitors, and that the Alderman had succeeded in carrying off three other prizes. Aid. Hiddreth intended to go and run in the 100 yard race, but he heard that Tobe Almendinger was going to be there, so he staid at home. The action of the Streets and Alleys Committee of the Common Council in reporting to the Council Monday night that the street-railways, being by ordinance obliged to keen in repair certain portions of the streets in which they lie, were therefore exempt from being taxed, has carried joy into the hearts of the street-railroad company officials. The papers were presented to the Mayor for his signature yesterday morning.
ALL M. B. Bailey would not talk upon the architect question yesterday, but vented all ins eloquence upon a discovery lie bad made of the cause of all the recent fires. They were aU to be laid at the doors of such of the newspapers as opposed the erection of a new Coort-House at the earliest possible moment. There were a vast number of unemployed laborers of the city who, seeing no prospect of work in the near ture, vented their spleen upon an unappreciative city by burning or trying to bine it up.
It was clear that If tbe Court-House were building these idle bands instead of finding some mischief stall to be engaged in carrying into executuse the well-laid plans of Egan and Earls, and promoting the interests of the men behind the curtain. The Alderman intended to bring his new idea before the Council as soon as the final disposal of more weighty affairs permitted them to take into consideration such minor matters as the great fires and recent acts of incendiarism. He thought that the Board of Public Works ought to advertise sewers, and give those out of werk a chance of getting hold of a portion of the appropriation. The object of not beginning these works, Le surd, was the taToriDg of the THE CITY' HALL. The Committee on Firs and Water will meet in the City Clerk's office at 3 o'clock this after- BOOB.
The Board of Police met yesterday afternoon, but did no business of any consequence. Busse' ball at the County Board is kept as a curiosity, and placed on record. It "Your Argeedagd, Carle." ie Two yorteg ladies went round the City Hal imd interviewed the Aldermen upon the subject of raisiug money for a flag for the Clan-Na-G I 6- Society. They interviewed to the extent of e3-75- Aldermen will leave the city to- tn party of morrow morning in a special train tendered by the Northweetern Railroad, which will take them that out to Pewankee, Wis. Here tbey will spend their tune fishing, and will return Monday in time for the afternoon committee meetings.
Ap 'plication will shortly be made to the Board of Police asking them to look after the perfecting of a military organization in this city which could be employed as an adjunct to the fire and nig the neeasion of "teat fires. Po -re-- The Mayor and Foley both attended the St- George's picnic yesterday afternoon. A report came round to the City-Hall the Mayor had been victorious in a sack-race over ten competitors, and that the Alderman had sue- ceeded in carrying off three other prizes. Aid. Hildreth intended to go and run in the 100 yard race, but he heard that Tobe Almendinger was going be there, so he staid at home.
The action of the Streets and Alleys Commit- tee of the COmmon Conned in reporting to the council Monday night that the street-railways, beiug by ordinance obliged to keep in repair cer- tain portions of the streets in which they Were therefore exempt from beim-, taxe as the street-railroad carried into the hearts of 1 7 officials Th natiers were preeented company tetra yesterday to the Mayor for his signs, ins ALL M. B. Bailey would not talk upon the architect question yesterday but vented a ll eloquence upou a discovery lie bad made of the cause of all the recent fires. They were aU to be laid at the doors of such of the as at opposed the erection of a new Ccattret-re c'were a the earliest possible moment. the -t vast number of unemployed laborers ci who, seeing no prospect of work in the near fa- ture, vented their spleen upon an unappreciative Me.
city by burning or trying to bum 1 that if the Court-House were It Was Mese fi dine some building these idle bands instead -n Mischief still to be engaged in carrying into executioa the well-laid plans of Egan an Kara th and promoting interests of the men fires and recent acts behind the curtain- The Alderman intended to briug his new idea before the Council as soon as the sal of more weighty affairs per- Dual dispo nutted them to take into confederation such minor matters as the great of inceneiarism. He thought that the Board of Public Works ought to advertise sewers, etc-, and give those out of mark a chance t- la Id portion of the of get ing a riation. The object of not beginning onrot .11.: -I-. h. eele si the favorinz of the ure ied joy into the hearts of arr- the street-railroad compauy officials.
The papers were presented mtooruithilsio.Mayor for leis signature yesterday 31. B. Bailey would not talk upon the architect question yesterday, but vented all ins lie had made of the all upou a discoverY cause of all the recent fires. They were ell to be laid at the doors of such of the newspapere as opposed the erection of a ziew Coral-House at the earliest possible moment. There were a vast number of unemployed laborers of the city who, seeing no prospect of work in the near fu- vented their spleen upon an tmappreciative city by burning or trying to bnru it up.
It was cleer that if tbe Court-House were building hese idle hands instead of finding some do would be en aeed in miechief still to engaged carrying into executioe the well-laid plans of Egan and an Kane, 1 promoting the interests of the men behind the curtain. The Alderman intended to brew. his pew i dea before the Council as soon a tee the unal dist to of weighty affairs per- --0 mitted them take mto coneuderauon such Miner raatters as the great fires and recent acts of incendiarism. He thought tha the Board Public ought to advertise sewers, etc-, and give those out of work a chance of getting hold of a portion of the e600.000 appropriation. The object of not beginning these work; lits w4id, wee the taTorimg of the -Intl complai th nts are being made by Captains vessels and steamers of unfair and unjust ktettentat the hands of the Superintendent of the The stmr St.
Paul oil her last trip down liweaneceseartly delayed over two hours, on account the lotking through ahead of ber of the barge J. S. 'hen it was the right of the St. Paul (according toLthe regulations of the canal), ehe being a passenger- r4i ke locked through fired. By thie delay the St.
male near losing a night in the baulk laver. a41tessi other vessels make like complaints. 'llestair with the United States iTuelStrnee is about to perform duty on Luke On- where she will probably remain the remainder 11" tune. She is an iron steamer, and, being keeler, will neoestat. the removal of one of her t-74Vi order to pass through the Welland Canal.
l'atvefer was first called the Abort, and coin- rtieed duty in 1843, baying been built at Buffalo. Ittli the terrible gale of the 18th day of October, w.ItIewaeca8t high and dry into one of the streets but was got off without damage. The laew kialee survey stmr Searcla is to be immediately LIR Waaconairt- --t break has been made during the past two iI tke lack of bubbles's for tugs, and owners and are shortening their faces. Nearly 100 sailing trete have been towed from the tikes past this port the tune mentioned, and tine nibble has been well distributed emong the tugs. One tug last kid two days in Cleveland waiting for a vessel, ker te this port, and, before she let go of her lail-ZRIII014 bad bees' with her five days.
tow to S112. Two tows peered here Monday, Picked up by tugs at Buffalo SW the eve vessel passed yesterday, both crafts be- 1,7, Lr Mt Cleveland, and a tow passed down Monday that was picked up at the Straits. From ap- 17 240e1 it would seem that the barber towing was re evenly distributed among the numerous gs which work from this Peat. tllIfeara from the last re Tort of the Department of 1, time and Fisheries that Canada only ranks seventh of third or fourth, am used to be imagined, elt tim e. lie follows the state- Kingdom of Great Britain and Ire- mid, about .6,500,000 tuned sta Narita Sw and wet den united 1 559,510 4.
1 098 846 41, net, L. 1 084,824 ilbnnt. 1,91, I 000,000 I. 0 .10 erlaea Ausizia. 499,987 L.
ituge 4r 4.20, 268 It wog. VW. T. .1, 11.115,206. -ler tome, taints are being made by the Captains cte vessels and steamers of unfair and unjust tumnentat the hands of the Superintendent of the 4 Cant.
The stmr St Paul on her last trip down Ire telecesearily dela two hours, on account y. over elettmg through ahead of tier of the barge J. s. In 'hen as the right 1 the St. Fate (according ante es regulations of the canal) ehe being be locked through firet, By thie delay the St.
eta fine near losing a night in the bault lever. 'aulvar, Other vessels make like complaints. "naittint Wn lereeetemonneeted with the United states unue ill about to perform duty on Luke On- tenatre she will probably remain the remainder I ''r tele. tete is an iron steamer and, being a will necestitate the removal of one of her ohtea Hi first called order to pass through tho Weilaud Canal. ntrre Ynr was ned the Abort, and come exed duty in 1843 having 'It at Buffalo the te avin bee n' .44,14 rrible gale of the 18th day of October, I 111,,, ant cast high and dry into one of the streets ttRed 8 -110, Sid was got off without damage The eets survey stmr re is to be immediately 614 it Bet 11 role-Emu-tee li ieronlint.
-te tte break teen made during the peat two as Me lack of buieuese for tugs, and owners and nibble has been n'e shortening their faces Neary 100 sailing mei im tan been towed from Me tikes neat this Port soma time mention mentioned, and tidal the distributed pmeng the tugs. One tug last 'heave, al73 dere in Clevehmd waiting for a veseel, Iv war to tins port, andwith before she let go ol her had been her five davit. he tow male we to ta-12. Two totes peseed here Monday, 4 ta reeked sp by tugs at Buffalo and the it. him cittie veasel passed yesterday, both crafts be- indeed, and a tow lensed down Monday picked up at the Straits.
From ap- a ould seem at the barber tovring was t1-14 etre ev 1 feel ses en that distributed among the numerous ete 'which work from this port --Detroit l'oet. eit from the lest reeort of the Department of or foIBberies that Canada only ranke vevenan 'I'urth, sta used to be imagined' tett, p-owning nations. Here follows the state- 1. tn.i...a' Kingd et orn Great Britain and Ire- eed, emelt VnInd States, 6'5(X)'" -ere te, I and Sweden united 1 559,510 4 1' 1 028 eee ti-het' es 1 S. 1,91, 1 Aga 469' Li" 444.
ds goy on 0 um 1. en--, cm, ILI! Lip at ildelt i.itmr search is to be iraniediately IF utile break t.e has teen made during the pagt two lack of bueinese iteeen'are for tugs, and owners and suortemng their faces. Nearly 100 sailing been towed from the tikes east this Port eeee the time mend Plfty oned, and this nibble has been two pm the tugs One tug last 'cud de 'teeth, --S1 ut Clevehmd waiting for a veseel, ter te tins port, and, before she let go of tier bets, 'Iron, had been with her Two tows pered live days. he tow suttes 0-, ee reek here Monday Vero ed Be by tugs at Buffao and the caa A tle eerelnl. is, from ea veaael passed yesterday, both crafts be- icett an tow a ataaad down Monday picked up at the Strits.
From ape it would seem that the a barber towing was tunee's evenly distributed among the numerous -pa' stich work from this Poe. of l'Pears from the kat reort of the Department -ea and that Canada ke eth of third or ans da er I ran sevn -cth, aa used be Imagined, feu: p-owning nations. Here follows the state- I. rased Kingdom of sd Great Britain and Ire- te .2 elite States. Aeritay eri ttitxr, Sweden united 1 559,510 4.
..1.211,077 1' 1 oes 846 nee I. epee, 4,4 I 1,911, 4 t. 678 8s6 46 lan Attytri Li" VW. lit 7..1,11 11.115,206, 1 I i tit, 4. 1 1 I 1, 4 1 tf.