The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)

BUFFALO EVENING-; NEWS: FRED AY, MAY 4, X917. know who Siva Btseve away. Hut Palmer opt being as foohah as sbe looks. beds and coda mattresses big taunt, bru.n and Mil it tn all botes nd crack ef valla and floors. It don't hurt Vwjjor ur anything, fcut DEFENSE RESTS IN TRIAL OF VAWTER It.

After that blow insect pow ler all around. lights and firv Wife Testifies Beth Attacked Her A WIS FRECAUT105. IN OUR SCHOOL LUCY LINCOLN'S. away when uin th aaaoUn ana BUFFALO HDT 1 OFlfl nv Kt or air. K'xms should on i aired for hour before any Urht la lit.

I Keep windows Hfita ao as not to get I a headache, I okj thia for a treat I mini year In different houses and It Sight Tragedy. CHRISTIANBURG, Va, May 4. Tea timony in the trial of Professor' Charles E. Vawter, charged with murdering Stockton Heth ap- parenUy 'was drawing to a close when BECOBP-BMAIEB FOB C0EX 'The co*ke output of. the United States broke alt records la Ul.

Wore than J5 ,000.000. tons of beehive co*ke was manufactured, an increase of over it per eeal. compared with 19U, and 6 00 .00 tons mora than tha record-breaking total in 110. By-product co*ke amounted to lsJiOfl.600 tons. Aa increase of mors (hen 6,000 ,000 tons or 3C per cent, compared with- isle.

Tha total co*ke production, according to estimates prepared by C. E- Lesher of the United States Geological Survey, Department of the Interior, was tans, an increase over lklS of 12,700,000 tons, or 80 per cent, and over 1913 of tons. call like he aiwaya does, A pored the watter Into tb cooler, A the tninnut he done so It begun to Hxs up all over tbe trp of tbe wlrr, like a watter fountain. Blink got ska red A tripped over Fstty Bellow es' desk A come down on the flora. A Fatty had sense enuff to holler like as If he was tasty hurt, A all the serin was hollering A the fellers laffing, alias Palmer wondering what was Blinky said be guessed it was another bom or something, but Miss Palmer said 'sbe guessed not.

A if Stave Hardy would step in the dressing room she would soon find out what It was. Steve said be wondered who give him away, but till you had to do was look under his desk where be had dropped a lot of the white A blue papers the powders come in, tu always fid tha ob lip fin. 1 uae one PAUL WEST. sir," said the station master. "Safety first has spread all over this country.

And nobody that comes to Beaver Rill will ever git in no accident tor want o' warn In' signs about. Jest look at that now." The stranger gaxed appreciatively at the sign nailed on a neaby telegraph poet. Its stern message was: "It Is dangerous to walk or stand on these tracks while a train la passing." Everybody's Magazine. IMS court convened today. Mrs.

vawter, yesterday bared her life in defense of ration ror one hearoom ana on bed, and one to three gailraa for bin t'ae wwirh to do a a-nod Job, for it nay In tha endT fcuffalo. TALK READER. her husband. The outstanding features of Mrs. Vawter's testimony were that she acknowledged intimacies with Heth SATURDAY'S DINNER.

while under the Influence of intoxi FRIDAY. Andv Anderson looked like he had been in a si clone when be come to school this morning at he "Jd anny person that wanted that gote of hla could have him. Andy went out to the snedd to feed the gote this morning, thot it would be perfickly safe to go in thare even if he a sent tide, because they left him harnussed to Despite Urgent Campaign Begun by Navy Department, This District Is Not Enlisting Number of Recruits Expected. cant, that she repelled him at other times, and that Vawter was aware of ferMaei Park Cbeps Baked Potatoes Mamalad Cake. Half ur butter, 1 cup of sugar, creamed together, then add I eggs, i cup sweet milk pinch of salt and teaspoons of "baking iiewder, add flour te make It the tight consistency, and when ft 1st ready to put in the pan stir in hi tearop of orange marmalade.

Frost with confectioner' su-ar end orsnge Juice stirred together. her acts and upbraided her. iHeth bad )Utk4 Tiralps Apple Rie Faddist, Hard Saaca attacked her, she said, the night he was killed. Girls! Use Lemons! tbe express waggon yesterday, but as soon aa Andy got Inside the ote come The defense rested this morning after presenting two witnesses who 'At the present rate of enlistment 1i Gratia ear lira, Lincoln: for rum, he hawing butted himself out of the waggon A butted everything in testified Uiat they saw Vawter between Buffalo is not going to produce its quota of 800 by May 5," Lieutenant tne snedd to peaces. 9:30 and 10:30 o'clock on the night of the shooting and that he was not D.

p. Wlckersham of the navy re Make a Bleaching, Beautifying Cream To have helped ma to itiiicb by reur talk that I am sura yon can help fcna row. I am a young housekeeper What's the drinking. He got" Andy up in the corner butted the wind pritty nearly out of him, he only- stopping when the pan full of greens that Andy had for his cruiting office in the federal building said this morning. Mrs.

Vawter was not recalled to the stand today for conUnued cross-ex Despite the urgent recruiting cam brekfust got spilled. The gote got paign begun by the navy department. amlnation as had been expected. After a brief recess the state then -began the ana cave never prepared an rat in potatoes. WIU ynu please tell just bow to make them, and exactly how the cream sauce la Thanking you In advance, Buffalo.

AMBITIOUS WIFE. Two cups cold boiled potatoes, I cud ms mind on tne greans then. Andy got out. but he was pritty well mussed up, wouldent go back in the Honda with Cheese. cupAils of boiled hominy, 4 tables poenfuta of grated American cheese, cupful of milk, teaspoonful of salt, a dash of white pepper.

Mix the hominy and three tables poo-fuls of cheese, the milk, salt and pepper together; pour into a shallow pair, sprinkle with one tables poonful of cheese; put into a hot oven for 15 minutes. If your oven ts not hot you can prepare in boiler and sprinkle with cheese as you send It to the table. The amount Is for four persons. introduction of testimony in rebuttal. the Buffalo district, extending from Ogdensburg to Elmira and Erie, embracing the western half of New York shedd for annything.

George says Andy has state and northwestern Pennsylvania. Bream enure, 1 ts-blespoonf uls grated got to go In the shedd A get his lit SAYS II. S. DOESN'T sneese, salt and buttered breadcrumbs. Slice potatoes end add to hot cream tie brother's express wsggon out.

but Andv says if George wants it he can is not enlisting as many men in a week as Chicago is getting in a day, vr J--': and bring; to a boil, remove from the go in get It himself. aV can hav Patriotic meetings, mobilizing re sources, joining the Red Cross and the gote too if he wants him. so sfter school George la to. he saying preparing to fight tuberculosis are he isent afrade of anny gote. Bl.TXKY GOT SKARF.D.

lire, add cheese and seasoning. Put In temklna, sprinkle with bread and eheese sad set In oven to brown ijce- v. Cream Bauce One tables poonful butter. 1 tableapoonful flour, 1 cup milk, and teaspoonful salt excellent preparations for everything but actually meeting the enemy. We Steve Hardy's mother gave him something they call settle lis pow Stiffed Potatoes.

Bake as many good sized potatoes as you like. When, baked cut the top off each one. dig out the inaide, mash with butter, parsley and salt. Put back into the skins, and then into the oven in pan as near together aa possible. Let the top brown nicely before serving.

must meet the enemy whether we want to or not, and it is iargly luck ders the other day. A Steve got -bolt of the box they come out of. So this morning he pored all the powders in that be has net come to our shores before this. The navy is the first line tne wnite papers into tne waiter cool er betoar BlinKy Hammond, our of defense and it must have men. The tradesman's $6 a day Job' would not mean much if his place of employ-meat should be burned and bis mother and sister murdered." steeamed jannitor, filled it out of the bucket In the hall, which he had the watucr alreddy in.

Steve put all the powders out of the blue paiwrs into Apple Tapioca Podding. Six tart apples. cup of tapioca, lVa cups tpid vater, 1 large cup sugar. Pare and core the apple, rut them in Complains of Falling Hair. Vr.

Lucy Lincoln: Will you kindly print something in your column to prevent hair from ailing out and for an itching scalp and bilge, MRS. 8. Buffahv Sorry we have no space to keep reprinting formulas. A remedy for falling hair was printed recently. Please end a self -addressed, stamped envelop for desired advice.

The navy yesterday enlisted eight the wetter In the bucket told the fellers to wate till Blinky put that men, one of whom is an ex-service watter in the cooler. Major Foulois, Army Aviator, Declares Those Available Are Short of Speed. (Special to the SEWS.) CHICAGO. 111.. May 4.

"There is not a government flying machine in the United States suitable for the flying service demanded by the present declared Major B. D. Foulois, the oldest military aviator in the world, who arrived In Chicago today. Major Foulois is an officer in the United States army aviation service. He stopped off In Chicago to inspect sites for aviation schools, a large number of which will be located In the Middle West if congress provides the money.

Major Foulois inspected the Ashburn site, then left for Saint Louis. Major Foulois was in charge of a squadron of eight planes at the Mex Dlinky come along just after roll The Juice of two fresh lemons quarters, or cut them in as preferred. Wash the tapioca and soak three hours in the tepid water, stir the sugar with the tapioca and pour over the apples, which have been put in greased pudding dish. Bake about two hours. Serve with milk or cream: sauce is not necessary.

trained into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white makes a Mother knows what's good for busy little folks what builds strong healthy She knows "what they like too WARDS BREAD (J atr cmt mrt ntmriskmf tkm mvtrmft VsW) in thick, well-buttered slices. A whole meal in itself. (Your grocer has it. He will give you your money back if it isn't just right. Oneida Community Par Plate Silverware 1 (guarantaes to yean) Fifteen pieces to choose from.

Save the coupons that come with Wards wrapped Bread and Cake add a little money. Write for descriptive folder telling all about it. whole quarter pint of the most re markable lemon skin beautifier at about tbe cost one must pay for a IS. Washington Pie. One-third cud butter, 1 cud sugar.

2 man, and will go into the fleet reserve. The Buffalo office accepted 64 men In the week ending last night and the Western New York district produced 103. Captain Davis sent 13 regular army recruits to Columbus last night and 12 more this noon. Captain Yates accepted ten men tor the marine corps yesterday. Complete returns for the Buffalo district for April show the corps examiners accepted only 227 out of 1248 applicants in the month.

Principal causes of rejection were: defective small jar of the ordinary cold creams. Care should be taken to strain the lemon juice through a fine cloth so no eggs, cup milk, 1 eups flour. 8 teaspoons baking powder. Bake in Jelly lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion tins. will keep fresh months.

Every ican horder for nearly a year. The Filling Three-quarters cup heavy woman knows that lemon juice is used cream, add cup of milk, beat till first army airplane in the United States was driven by him in 1908. "Europe is demanding 100 mites an Cane Sugar Granulated stiff, add cup of sugar and tea to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan and is hour for the plains, and none of the spoon vanilla, white of 1 egg, with candled chopped fruits or nuts, or both, -or try this creamy filling: the ideal skin softener, smootbener Cam meal Codfish Bails. Dear Mrs. Lincoln: Will you please tell tne how to make fish balls with cornmeal? I know they have codfish in them and that la 11 I know of the recipe.

Will watch the Talks for MRS. C. E. P. Lockport.

Two cups cold cornmeal mush, teaapoonfuls butter, 1 cupful shredded codf itsh, 1 Soak the tiah if necessary, to remove the salt, though it can be bought shredded and ready for e. Pick the fieri into small bits, mix with the tnush, egg and butter, and make tnf balls. Fry in hot fat till brown. These balls are quite as good as those' made with potatoes and are much more easily prepared. Titoae Objectionable Bogs.

Dear Sirs. Lincoln: I read of someone asking for a good United States army machines will and beautifier. teeth, 200; flat feet, 224; general deformities, 106. make that speed," said the dean of Cream Filling Mix 2 even table- Just try It! Get three ounces of spoonfuls of with i cup sugar M. B.

West, naval gunner, who is radio censor for this district, at-. and a few grains of salt, add 2 beaten orchard white at any pharmacy and two lemons from the grocer and make up a. quarter pint of this sweetly fra eggs, then pour on slowly 2 cups of hot milk, add 1 tablespoonful of butter. Cook In a double boiler till smooth; flavor with lemon. military filers.

"Our machines are not fast enough. They will make only about 90 miles an hour. They will come In handy for the use of students at the government schools, but never would be accepted on European battlefields." REA-DORRIS. grant lemon lotion and massage it daily into the face, neck, arms and tached to the coast guard naval reserve office in the federal building, received word this morning that enlisted wireless operators from Buffalo have been promoted at the naval training station at Great Lakes, 111. imU la S.

10. IS ul SO Ik. Mttoa kssaaaal la 2 sad Ik. urtaae Between meal, Sugar Cookies lessen fatigue. "Sweeten it with Domino" Can cover top with whipped cream.

Ward Ward Inc Belt Line near Genesee Street Belli Oxford MS Federal i SI-MI bands. It naturally should help to soften, freshen, bleach and bring out the roses and beauty of any skin. It is simply marvelous to smoothen rough, red hands. Rice Croquette. Take a teacup of cold boiled rice, a Robert Leary has been appointed HAMBURG.

May 4 Special I Mrs. TnAnh rtT-iirv, me, th instructor In charge of the radio Graaaktad, Tablet, PawaWaA Irava school. Louis A. Oebhard has been marHaire their rintifliter. Doris, to remedy to get rid of bedbugs.

I send you this) one end It cannot be beat. Tell them to get enough gasoline to ever every inch of the room or rooms, teaspoon of sugar. 1 teaspoon of melted butter, 4 teaspoon of salt and 1 egg. Add sufficient milk to make a firm paste: beat thoroughly, shape lino balls: dip in beaten egg. roll in flour and fry in hot lard until of a golden brown color.

George Rea. on Wednesday evening, May 2. at the home of the bride's parents. Miss Drummer returned from Vas-sar. where she is a member of the senior class, and the marriage took place on account of Mr.

Rea leaving for the officers' training camp at Oswego. Mrs. Rea will return for the graduation exercises at Vassar. 1 Try This New Recipe (or l.nrnnnt assigned to Grand Haven, and William D. Woodco*ck to Cleveland, the only men assigned to ports thus far.

MAMFACTIRKRS REQUEST MORE POLICE PROTECTION Morp police protection for the Uth precinct was requested by the Black Hock Manufacturers' association at its quarterly dinner and meeting In the Iroquoia hotel last evening. President William F. MarGlashan appointed a committee to cooperate with the Y. W. C.

A. in establishing a community restaurant In the district. Dr. John J. Hanavan of East Aurora Rave an illustrated lecture on his experiences In the French trenches, where he served as a surgeon.

I Walnut Cake. One-half cup butter, 1 cup sugar, yolks of 3 eggs. cup sweet milk, 1 cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, whites of 3 eggs, 1 cup walnut meats broken in pieces. Frost, crease in squares and put walnut on each square. If they perspire, burn and ache if there ia even the suggestion of an odor If they tire easily If thev are LayerCake COOK SUFFERS SKULL FRACTURE utender.

or swollen by all means gat ar ounce- o-moi now. a xnor and your feet will know rmpplmss. Noa-meJ Is guaranteed. Charles Fay, a cook, or 82 itlmwood avenue, fell on thet floor In Albert Goorings restaurant. 84 ElmwooUave-nue, last night and suffered a fracture of the 'skull.

He was sent to the Homeopathic hospital. Get It at Heegaard-Sloan and all other good druggists. 54 enefsl ef Baker's Prea Grata Cemntr Hiatal ef batter; I capful ef translate.1 aag-ar, 2 cupful ef cocoa at ilk; 1 enpfub ef flour; 3 level teMpoonfvlt of balling powder. II A Floor Dressing. One pint each of cider vinrirar, linseed oil, and turpentine is an excellent dressing for either polished or painted floors.

It cleans as well as polishes. Apply with a soft cloth ami then polish vigorously with a fresh cloth. Furniture can also be treated with tnls dressing. OEXOE OEZXOl fiml I oak AtYeta-Crsear'e SALE WITH REMARKABLE VALUE FEATURES! HUlsVf-. 7 Chiffonier f3 MEN'S HAND-TAILORED 'Is To Restore Color.

Sponge tne spot with a little acetic acid or a solution of common ammonia. If this does not restore the color somewhat, then touch the place with solution of powder, same color as goods, mixed In beniine. rSk cN 0 rO SI Tsah. SO fVeeMr Choice and plea-for dewier. Every part ii perfect fit ttnr.

The drawer are large and roomy. -The ftnth unexcelled piece ooetinr twit the price. They uaually sell at f9. Special at Stilts A. -eC pring Buys a Icrgslrike American Motor $4.98 tl.M Cash SOe Weekly 'Washer.

Unequalled by J7 There's so much that's remarkable about these Finest of Suits that they must be seen to get the faintest idea of what a Great Sale this is. Belter Suits in all variations, Young Fellows' snappiest fashions and Men's Suits of dignified elegance. Patterns unlimited in the best sort of Cheviots, Velours and Worsteds Cream butter and sugar until light; add well-mixed yolks of egg) coconut milk, half the sifted flour arid bakine powder, the coconut which has been pressed dry in fruit press or cheesecloth. Beat the whites of egtrt until light; fold in and add the rest of flour. Bake in two nine-inch jelly tins in moderate oven for twenty-five minutes.

Put together with boiled coconut icing and cover top and sides sprinkle with coconut Cemplttt Rrdpt Booklet on Ktqml BAKER'S Fresh Grated Coconut in the Original Milk I Cast, Net ia Paper Packages Medaa Csiaine sarsr I ate Baker'a Freak erafed Coeeant -with tha ertsrinal milk In cam, beeasae It ia aiwaya fresh, hiiey and aoort delicion. Itiaootadeatecsled eoeoast. FRANKLIN BAKER COMPANY any other model under $18 White Spots on the Nails. Wnite spots on nails are caused by blows or gentle pressure that interferes with the flow of nutrient Juices. To remove them apply at night a paste of equal parta of turpentine and myrrh melted and well mixet.

A little olive oil will take the paste off in the morning. seIze bottles claimed to mm STOLEN Independent Soft Drink Deal' ers Accused of Refiljitig Containers Owned by Others. A Special Sale for One Week Only, Beginning Tomorrow Velvet Hearth' Rugs, 27i54 Inches, in all colors and a wide range of Usually $3.00 Special at $1.98 Xake the Backache Out of llouse-cleanlng, use Linoleum. For Floors laid on four floor for 49c Per Yard Da. Mr PfcHaitBjld.Pa.

Only Dim L3 or FAMOF8 JHKJBIX CAHANTEsV easTFAnr Purchase Cheerfuujr Bxchanred. or Tour mom Money Back. Clothing Preaaed and Repaired far One Tear FRKE. Green Chile Cheese surpri Kingly rooftomicaK The hundred of people who are buying floor corerinre at this Rur Sal, hare told ns eo many fine thlnjrn about tha bean tifut display end the nawmable prices that, we feel incUtted to tniperlatiTee in describtna; them. Let us aa; you before yon make any selection of floor coTerinis to see what we are now offering.

Tay for any rue. carpet, linoleum, oil doth oa liberal c-redit torm. -H 1 Surprise Store's Suit Values Always Excel It's easy to see the superior value 6t The Surprise Store's Suits and the reason Is Just as plain. They're made In our own great factory and are sold Direct to You st a Money-Saving not obtainable in any other way. These new Suit exhibitions for Men and Young Men are wonderful to see HO H2-5Q $18 $20 $25 Six detectives this morning piled up at police headquarters more than 300 empty bottles and 20 siphons taken from local dealers on search warrants Issued by Judge Peter Maul In city court.

The warrants were issued on complaints made by dealers in soft drinks against Independent dealers who are not members of the local association, the charge being that the independents bave for months been gathering the bottles, refilling them and using them although they are oVned by the members of tha association, One of the largest recoveries was made by Detective-Sergeant William H. Barrett at' the store of A. Voung, S90 Broadway, where nine siphons and a lot of empty bottles were found. At the works of A. Cohen.

415 Sycamore street, 96 quart bottles, seven siphons and a number of smaller bottles were recovered. The association dealers assert that within the last year the non-members have collected, retained and have been using for their own business, bottles owned by association men valued a mors than $2000. The association dealers now are seeking to recover their bottles and stop the practice of using bottles owned by other dealers. aaaara2a brooms, Chairs Caned at trrU SJ8SOT1ATIOX FOB THE BUNS se BlUaeM St. Itaa, Taapae 7S5-B TO MAX'S BBANCO.

4 AU.BN STBSKI rkaaa. Tupac aoe-w. For ti on outer Band worm fabrta at eettooL llooa. aUk or tuiaaL lor bawa, aoarta. BOYS' EXCELLENT SUITS QQ 9x12 Ft Axminster Rugs Household assurance of real quality and the reputation of one of the celebrated Bug maker ef this ouantry Is the strong guarantee on which' these Rugs are sold ai 9x1 2 Ft Clramte Reversible Rugs Just the Rug for service at a small cost.

Especially suitable for summer cottages. Many splendid patterns ts choose Irom at 9x12 FL Velvet Rugs Choice of variety of beautiful Oriental patterns in the newest eolorinr. These Rues are guaranteed to give long and satisfactory service. Sale price 9x12 FL Seamless Brussels Rugs Rich la eolorinr ttecta: harmoaloua to any daeors-tiona, We ahow them In Oriental and email flan re effect. Specially priced at Pftrenta wouldn't think of fettinf raltim equal to thlt Mm offe in our cewbiwid boy' oisnaienl.

All the awtm, new Mo IcSt arfylee tn handtome pattern they're double ralueo for wear eatee 9 to 18 aillewa, ate. Hade at la lis tm: ala knitted goods and eaafeatrr, gl Satutdai and VaH tl'U Monday Only Boys' Caps A marvelous offer for parents, who like to save money. They're is AUiau BIG PANTS VALUES 2- $9.85 $15.65 $23.79 $5.35 for all men all atxee. New cacelmeree, rery durable and alronr worsteds, tailored juit for terrlce i i ses HALF HOSE MEN'S SHIRTS A collection full ot Spiinr welffht bote. 981 wonderful irmluee.

IfTrelr perfectly shaped Idetmy iiJIi iiliililki weajitroctCjL comfortable, ao! and oonaerTaura terna a- aaaSSaaaeSHattaMaV- SaW own lunch; 1 really newest style Spring' Caps, well made, in a good assortment of patterns, everyone desirable. Extraordinary values APPORTIONMENT BILL WILL SOON BE PASSED Ma kfn: OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK CORNER SENECA AND EtyCOTT STREETS 3-Rcon Outfit $49.90 $4 Cash $1 Weekly 4-Rccn CatHt $79.79 $7 Cash 1.50Weckly US ALBANY. May 4(8peclaI). Senator chairman of the special committee en apportionment, late yesterday afternoon reported the senatorial apportionment bill, which temporarily went on the genernl-ordera calendar, from which It will shortly oe taken under a special rule and passed. The bHl, Insofar as It relate to Erie county, follows, the lines drawn by Secretary Henry fielthelmer of the Republican county committee, and which have heretofore been glvln In full In U'as lUmiJiiiitHUiiTiWttavM inn ail trTmntm i gaaierla rMaak f'ereol 4'Mnpanjr aula Craek, Mlrkla raunaliia I'lMtum trml I.ta, Hioitr.

The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)


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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

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Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.