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Title | Publisher | Price |
H.M.S. Pickle a Victorian Science Fiction Submarine Kit 10.7” long x 4” wide x 3” high The submarine Pickle was launched in 1889 in response to the depredations of the mysterious Captain Nemo and his pirate submarine. The Pickle was one of several submarines engaged in the hunt for Nemo and the Nautilus, and is featured in John McEwan’s game of underwater combat...[click here for more] | Reviresco tin-soldier | $3.00
M-113 Armored Personnel Carriers and 49 U.S. Variants Another series of vehicles for Armor Heavy Team / Tacforce II. This one includes the M-113 series variants of the United States. Included are M-106s, M-113s, M-125s, M-163s M-577s, M-901s among them. ...[click here for more] | Wargame Designs 2000 | Pay What You Want
Modular Urban Center Kit 2: Raising the Roof Classifieds S0036 The urban center has been growing and growing, and with developable real estate growing short, developers have but one option, build higher. This first expansion...[click here for more] | Stoelzel's Structures | $15.00
Exército Português 1811-1814 Portuguese army ("6mm")2,5d Modular Wargames System The set of counters printable file, designed especially for tabletop wargames from line of "Just Paper Battles Napoleonics" series.This set contains artwork "6mm" scale papercraft historical counters. File format: PDF A4 and US Letter (up to 15 MB) Color model: CMYK (full color)...[click here for more] | Just Paper Battles | $8.00
Exército Português 1811-1814 Portuguese army ("10mm")2,5d Modular Wargames System The set of counters printable file, designed especially for tabletop wargames from line of "Just Paper Battles Napoleonics" series.This set contains artwork "10mm" scale papercraft historical counters. File format: PDF A4 and US Letter (up to 17 MB) Color model: CMYK (full color)...[click here for more] | Just Paper Battles | $8.00
Print and Play 15mm Scale Infantry Miniatures for use with Armor Grid: Mech Attack! or any Sci-fi Wargame. This set includes: Three types infantry foot soldiers: Light, Heavy, and Jump Troops. Tripods for crew served weapons and equipment. Wheeled, Tracked, and Hover Drones. Light, Heavy, and Hover Cycles. Eight different options for Weapons or Support Equipment. 40mm Hex Bases....[click here for more] | Armor Grid Games and Miniatures | $3.95
This 15mm Cyberpunk Scifi City Terrain pack contains 3D print ready stl files to create a multi level building with signs, facade decor which could be used as a Municipal Building or Health Center Floors are stackable and signs can be placed along vertical tracks or on the buidling sides. Base dimensions are 89mm x 72mm Examples printed in PLA This set introduces facades As...[click here for more] | Doctor Merkury's Lab | $10.00
This 15mm Cyberpunk Scifi City Terrain pack contains 3D print ready stl files to create a multi level building with signs, facade decor as well as pieces of scatter terrain to represent a Security Corporation or State Law Enforcement. Floors are stackable and signs can be placed along vertical tracks or on the buidling sides. Base dimensions are 89mm x 72mm The entire sets components...[click here for more] | Doctor Merkury's Lab | $10.00
Giant Bats This kit contains - A PDF page allowing you to make 6 Game cards with 17 customization options and 7 background colors. - A PDF page allowing to make 2 same double-sided face minifigures with 17 customization options. This PDF page allowing to make 2 bases of 40mm with 4 customization options. -...[click here for more] | WargamePaper | $0.85
You want your troops on the ground—and you want them on the ground NOW! Well, Finger and Toe has the perfect solution: the CHARIOT SRV-4 squad drop pod. Orbit to combat in twenty minutes or less. Finger and Toe Models announce its latest release, CHARIOT. CHARIOT is a squad drop pod designed for 28mm skirmish wargaming...[click here for more] | Finger and Toe Models | $2.50
A Word from Grandpa McCoy “It all started when Junior spotted something strange over in the cornfield. Ma grabbed Sonnie boy and Suzy got the shotgun and out we went. Me and ol besty was ready to be good close personal friends with whoever was breaking into the still. We heard some noises by the still and that’s when Drunk Bob got that look in his eye that he gets...[click here for more] | Dastardly Designed Games | $2.49
“Mors, you can’t go in there! It’s creepy! See those spider webs! It’s called Troll Home for a reason! I’m telling Mom!” Ignoring his sister, Mors plunged ahead, scrambling through the large hole broken through the massive stones of the ancient watchtower. An older, more experienced child might have asked what could make such a large hole in such thick stones....[click here for more] | Finger and Toe Models | $6.00
This special bundle product contains the following titles. Roman Figure Flats Regular price: $0.50 Bundle price: $0.00 Format: Watermarked PDF Roman Figure Flats DramaScape Pay What You Want Vol 1 Roman Figure Flats has a single page of twelve Figure Flats as well as four top-down, base-less VTT token images. The four images are a Roman officer (such as a...[click here for more] | DramaScape |
The following set of rules covers the period from 1790 to 1815 in Europe and Russia. The intent of these rules is speed of play and while trying to return the grand tactical flavor of the Napoleonic Wars. ln the past we have played many rules for the Napoleonic period and have found them floundering just as the heat of the battle was getting interesting. Red tape, too many odd rules,...[click here for more] | LMW Works | $12.00
Lead your team to victory on the bloodstained pitches of the greatest sport ever played! DreadBall is a futuristic sports board game played with 30mm miniatures, set within Mantic’s Warpath universe. You are the Coach of your team, testing your skill and luck against other Coaches in one-off matches or long-running leagues. This digital download charts the evolution...[click here for more] | Mantic Games | $3.99
Oh, it’s all very well and good to go swaning about the countryside in some great clankin’ smokin’ land ship. Blimey, swore General Woolycock, The enemy ‘ud have to be blind and deaf not to see and hear yah coming for a hundred miles! The Fate Armaments Company representative, Sir Arthur Collywobble, ducked to avoid losing his top hat as the General waived his...[click here for more] | Reviresco tin-soldier | $3.99
The ALL FUN! CONFERENCE EAST card pack contains player and scouting report cards for all 4 teams in the division for a total of 72 cards. Teams include the WARRIORS, SUSHI, SPACESHIPS, and PILLS. You can add a custom tuck box to your order at checkout. There's a unique one for each division! WARRIORSThe WARRIORS are known for attacking defenses with their aerial assault. Baby...[click here for more] | Brent Spivey Creations | $15.99
I M OPEN TO REQUESTS AND COMPLAINS ASK ME DIRECTLY THERE IF YOU WANT. You need the previous set H-SJ-0001 in order to assemble a squad of warrior monks with naginata. There are 11 different miniatures of warrior monks with NOBORI (the high banners) and in a standing pose with naginata to make the officers or other units. There s even a japanese bugler…. I dont know if this name is...[click here for more] | antohammer the lonely wargamer | $1.00
This special bundle product contains the following titles. H-sj-001 - Warrior Monks Set 1 Regular price: $1.00 Bundle price: $0.63 Format: Watermarked PDF THIS SET IS COMPOSED BY 12 WARRIOR MONKS. THEY ARE A GOOD BASE FOR A WARRIOR MONKS IKKO IKKI FACTION OR FOR RPG SET IN A FANTASY JAPAN. THEY ARE GOOD FOR TEST OF HONOUR GAME FROM WARLORD GAMES AND FOR EVERY RPG...[click here for more] | antohammer the lonely wargamer |
Natalia Isabel Novgorod was very pleased with her previous projects. Her super tank Bel’s Kitty ruled the battlefield (for those planets able to afford it in sufficient numbers), while her Puppy carried swarms of infantry to support the super tanks. She was happy, but wanted more: something to make an impression, a big bang. A super gun to provide long range support for her armored giants....[click here for more] | Finger and Toe Models | $6.00
This special bundle product contains the following titles. F-0022 - undeads Starting Set Regular price: $1.00 Bundle price: $0.53 Format: Watermarked PDF THEESE GUYS ARE FROM MY LAST KICKSTARTER OF PAPER MINIATURES. IN THIS SET YOU WILL FIND WHAT YOU NEED TO START AN ARMY OF UNDEADS. YOU CAN USE THE NECROMANCER TO MAKE AN ARMY OF NECROMANCERS OR THE UNDEAD...[click here for more] | antohammer the lonely wargamer |
This PDF contains 1:700 scale fighter and bomber aircraft counters for the Falklands / Malvinas war. The counters have been designed so that they are suitable with many 'air combat'rulesets. There are two counter versions (both supplied in this PDF) one sheet of counters with centre dots and one without. The counters are 1:700 and are scaled up to fit the aircraft size, e.g. the Vulcan bomber is on...[click here for more] | Ludum Press | $3.50
This PDF contains 1:600 scale fighter and bomber aircraft counters for the Falklands / Malvinas war. The counters have been designed so that they are suitable with many 'air combat' rulesets. There are two counter versions (both supplied in this PDF) two sheets of counters with centre dots and two without. The counters are 1:600 and are scaled up to fit the aircraft size, e.g. the Vulcan bomber is...[click here for more] | Ludum Press | $3.50
In this set you will find HERNE THE HUNTER, a varghaist winged and not, a pumpkin monster, a black wolf and a goodlooking witch riding a stick (she s using a disguise spell… she s ugly not good loking….) ;D Hope you like …. I m thinking about make a free set for every halloween :D ...[click here for more] | antohammer the lonely wargamer | Pay What You Want
This 10 page PDF contains over 100+ specific types of Cold War missile and bomb weapon system counters that are 1x 1/2 Inch (25 x 13mm approx.) for use with your favourite Air, Land or Naval wargame rules. All the counters come in White, Warsaw Pact (Red) or NATO (Blue) colours. There are also blank (non identified) weapons counters in all 3 colours as well. Whilst this is not a complete listing...[click here for more] | Ludum Press | $4.50
If you're wanting to get into paper minis, but were in a bit of a bind thinking about basing, and just how to find, or make, super reliable and sturdy holdings for your freshly printed figures, then look no further! Sundered Vault's Printable Mini Bases work wonders for barrages of paper minis! Easy to assemble and customize, this free base construction kit...[click here for more] | Sundered Vault | Pay What You Want
This one is a small set about the FK M05 artillery piece. It s a gun used by AH forces in the early war. This set will recive new stuff from later sets, I m wokring on a carriage set, fieldworks and decorations to trasform it from a simple game piece to a more decorative one :D soon serbians soldiers too! :D ...[click here for more] | antohammer the lonely wargamer | $0.75
This special bundle product contains the following titles. Printable Mini Bases - Paper Power! Regular price: $0.00 Bundle price: $0.00 Format: Watermarked PDF If you're wanting to get into paper minis, but were in a bit of a bind thinking about basing, and just how to find, or make, super reliable and sturdy holdings for your freshly printed figures, then...[click here for more] | Sundered Vault |
Human WarriorsThis kit contains : - A PDF page allowing to make 4 double-sided minifigures with 25 customization options. This PDF page allowing to make 4 bases of 25 mm with 4 customization options. - A PDF page allowing to make 4 same double-sided face minifigures with 25 customization options. This PDF page allowing to make...[click here for more] | WargamePaper | $1.05
Felys ThievesThis kit contains : - A PDF page allowing to make 4 double-sided minifigures with 29 customization options. This PDF page allowing to make 4 bases of 25 mm with 4 customization options. - A PDF page allowing to make 4 same double-sided face minifigures with 29 customization options. This PDF page allowing to make...[click here for more] | WargamePaper | $1.05
Human MercenariesThis kit contains : - A PDF page allowing to make 4 double-sided minifigures with 30 customization options. This PDF page allowing to make 4 bases of 25 mm with 4 customization options. - A PDF page allowing to make 4 same double-sided face minifigures with 30 customization options. This PDF page allowing to make...[click here for more] | WargamePaper | $1.05
Dwarf GuardsThis kit contains : - A PDF page allowing to make 4 double-sided minifigures with 45 customization options. This PDF page allowing to make 4 bases of 25 mm with 4 customization options. - A PDF page allowing to make 4 same double-sided face minifigures with 40 customization options. This PDF page allowing to make 4...[click here for more] | WargamePaper | $1.05
Goblin Warriors This kit contains :- A PDF page allowing to make 8 double-sided minifigures with 19 customization options. - A PDF page allowing to make 8 same double-sided face minifigures with 19 customization options.- A PDF page allowing to make 8 bases of 18 mm with 4 customization options. - A PDF page allowing you to...[click here for more] | WargamePaper | $1.05
Goblin ArcherThis kit contains :- A PDF page allowing to make 8 double-sided minifigures with 16 customization options. - A PDF page allowing to make 8 same double-sided face minifigures with 16 customization options.- A PDF page allowing to make 8 bases of 18 mm with 4 customization options. - A PDF page allowing you to make...[click here for more] | WargamePaper | $1.05
Goblin General Staff This kit contain- A PDF page allowing to make 1 double-sided Goblin archer leader minifigures with 22 customization options, 1 double-sided Goblin Warrior leader minifigures with 24 customization options, 1 double-sided Goblin musician minifigures with 16 customization options and 1 double-sided Goblin standard Bearer minifigures with...[click here for more] | WargamePaper | $2.15
¡Cambia de forma, aúlla a la luna y corre con la manada! Este hermoso conjunto de miniaturas de cartulina altamente detalladas del renombrado artista de fantasía Bob Greyvenstein contiene 10 figuras únicas, variantes para cuatro de ellas y versiones horizontales de todas ellas para brindar variedad adicional (para un total de 28 miniaturas diferentes), así como así como los tokens correspondientes...[click here for more] | Skirmisher Publishing | $2.99
This very special 80% off bundle contains two dozen different sets of Cardstock Characters™ miniatures, which can be printed out and assembled as many times as desired! Several of them also include corresponding tokens and avatars, and we have includedas bonus itemsa few of them with German or Spanish text for anyone who might want them in that languages, as well as a beautiful new set...[click here for more] | Skirmisher Publishing |
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